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Handle and download received media files.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { Api, Context, File, RawApi, Transformer } from "./deps.deno.ts";import { FileX, installFileMethods } from "./files.ts";
/** * Transformative API Flavor that adds file handling utilities to the supplied * context object. Check out the * [documentation]( * about this kind of context flavor. */export type FileFlavor<C extends Context> = ContextX<C> & C;export type FileApiFlavor<A extends Api> = ApiX<A> & A;
/** * Mapping table from method names to API call result extensions. * * In other words, every key K of this interface identifies a method of the Bot * API that exists as method on `ctx`, `ctx.api`, and `ctx.api.raw`. The return * type of every one of these three methods will be augmented by `X[K]` via type * intersection. */interface X { getFile: FileX;}
/** * Options to pass to the files plugin. They are mainly useful if you are * working with a local Bot API server, and you need to adjust from where to * download files. */export interface FilesPluginOptions { /** * Root URL of the Telegram Bot API server. Used when downloading files. * Should be the same as for your bot object. Default: * */ apiRoot?: string; /** * Specifies whether to use the [test * environment]( * Can be either `"prod"` (default) or `"test"`. * * The testing infrastructure is separate from the regular production * infrastructure. No chats, accounts, or other data is shared between them. * If you set this option to `"test"`, you will need to make your Telegram * client connect to the testing data centers of Telegram, register your * phone number again, open a new chat with @BotFather, and create a * separate bot. */ environment?: "prod" | "test"; /** * URL builder function for downloading files. Can be used to modify which * API server should be called when downloading files. * * @param root The URL that was passed in `apiRoot`, or its default value * @param token The bot's token that was passed when installing the plugin * @param path The `file_path` value that identifies the file * @param env The value that was passed in `environment`, or its default value * @returns The URL that will be fetched during the download */ buildFileUrl?: ( root: string, token: string, method: string, env: "prod" | "test", ) => string | URL;}
/** * Plugin that hydrates results to `getFile`, and equips the results with * methods to download files, or get their URL/path. * * This plugin is an [API transformer * function]( that can be * installed on `bot.api`. * * ```ts * bot.api.config.use(hydrateFiles(bot.token)) * ``` * * Check out [the official plugin * documentation]( on the grammY website. * * @param token bot token, use `bot.token` * @param options optional configuration */export function hydrateFiles<R extends RawApi = RawApi>( token: string, options?: FilesPluginOptions,): Transformer<R> { const root = options?.apiRoot ?? ""; const environment = options?.environment ?? "prod"; const buildFileUrl = options?.buildFileUrl ?? ((root, token, path) => `${root}/file/bot${token}/${path}`); const buildLink = (path: string) => buildFileUrl(root, token, path, environment); const t: Transformer = async (prev, method, payload, signal) => { const res = await prev(method, payload, signal); if (res.ok && isFile(res.result)) { installFileMethods(res.result, buildLink); } return res; }; return t;}
function isFile(val: unknown): val is File { return typeof val === "object" && val !== null && "file_id" in val;}
// Helper types to add `X` to `Context` and `Api` and `RawApi`type ContextX<C extends Context> = AddX<C> & { api: ApiX<C["api"]>;};type ApiX<A extends Api> = AddX<A> & { raw: RawApiX<A["raw"]>;};type RawApiX<R extends RawApi> = AddX<R>;
type AddX<Q extends Record<keyof X, (...args: any[]) => any>> = { [K in keyof X]: Extend<Q[K], X[K]>;};type Extend<F extends (...args: any[]) => any, X> = ( ...args: Parameters<F>) => Promise<Await<ReturnType<F>> & X>;type Await<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer V> ? Await<V> : T;