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Hydration plugin for API calls and context objects.
import { type CallbackQueryX } from "./data/callback-query.ts";import { type ChatJoinRequestX } from "./data/chat-join-request.ts";import { type ChatX, installChatMethods } from "./data/chat.ts";import { installInlineMessageMethods } from "./data/inline-message.ts";import { type InlineQueryX } from "./data/inline-query.ts";import { installMessageMethods, type MessageX } from "./data/message.ts";import { type PreCheckoutQueryX } from "./data/pre-checkout-query.ts";import { type ShippingQueryX } from "./data/shipping-query.ts";import { installUpdateMethods, UpdateX } from "./data/update.ts";import { type ChatMemberX, installUserMethods } from "./data/user.ts";import { type Api, type ApiCallFn, type Chat, type ChatMember, type Context, GrammyError, type Message, type Opts, type RawApi, type SentWebAppMessage, type Transformer, type Update,} from "./deps.deno.ts";
/** * Transformative API Flavor that adds file handling utilities to the supplied * context object. Check out the * [documentation]( * about this kind of context flavor. */export type HydrateFlavor<C extends Context> = ObjectAssign<C, ContextX<C>>;export type HydrateApiFlavor<A extends Api> = ApiX<A>;
/** * Mapping table from method names to API call result extensions. * * In other words, every key K of this interface identifies a method of the Bot * API that exists as method on `ctx`, `ctx.api`, and `ctx.api.raw`. The return * type of every one of these three methods will be augmented by `X[K]` via type * intersection. */interface X { sendMessage: MessageX; forwardMessage: MessageX; sendPhoto: MessageX; sendAudio: MessageX; sendDocument: MessageX; sendVideo: MessageX; sendAnimation: MessageX; sendVoice: MessageX; sendVideoNote: MessageX; editMessageLiveLocation: MessageX | true; stopMessageLiveLocation: MessageX | true; sendVenue: MessageX; sendContact: MessageX; sendPoll: MessageX; sendDice: MessageX; editMessageText: MessageX | true; editMessageCaption: MessageX | true; editMessageMedia: MessageX | true; editMessageReplyMarkup: MessageX | true; sendSticker: MessageX; sendInvoice: MessageX; sendGame: MessageX; setGameScore: MessageX | true; getChat: ChatX; getChatMember: ChatMemberX;}
/** * Plugin that hydrates the context object and API call results, and equips the * objects with useful methods that are calling `bot.api` with values prefilled * from the object they are installed on. * * For example, this plugin allows you to use `await ctx.message.delete()` instead of * `await ctx.deleteMessage()`. * * Check out [the official plugin * documentation]( on the grammY * webiste. */export function hydrate<C extends Context>() { const hydrator = hydrateApi<C["api"]["raw"]>(); return (ctx: HydrateFlavor<C>, next: () => Promise<void>) => { ctx.api.config.use(hydrator); installUpdateMethods(ctx.api.raw, ctx.update); return next(); };}
export function hydrateContext<C extends Context>() { return (ctx: HydrateFlavor<C>, next: () => Promise<void>) => { installUpdateMethods(ctx.api.raw, ctx.update); return next(); };}
export function hydrateApi<R extends RawApi = RawApi>(): Transformer<R> { const t: Transformer = async (prev, method, payload, signal) => { const res = await prev(method, payload, signal); if (res.ok) { if (isMessage(res.result)) { installMessageMethods(toApi(prev), res.result); } else if (isInlineMessage(res.result)) { installInlineMessageMethods(toApi(prev), res.result); } else if (isChatMember(res.result) && hasChatId(payload)) { installUserMethods( toApi(prev), res.result.user, payload.chat_id, ); } else if (isChat(res.result)) { installChatMethods(toApi(prev), res.result); } // TODO: hydrate other method call results } return res; }; return t;}
function isMessage(obj: unknown): obj is Message { return ( typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null && "message_id" in obj && "chat" in obj );}
function isInlineMessage(obj: unknown): obj is SentWebAppMessage { return ( typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null && "inline_message_id" in obj );}
function isChatMember(obj: unknown): obj is ChatMember { return ( typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null && "status" in obj && "user" in obj );}
function isChat(obj: unknown): obj is Chat { return ( typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null && "id" in obj && "type" in obj && typeof obj.type === "string" && ["private", "group", "supergroup", "channel"].includes(obj.type) );}
function hasChatId(obj: unknown): obj is { chat_id: number } { return ( typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null && "chat_id" in obj && typeof obj.chat_id === "number" );}
export type Other<M extends keyof RawApi, K extends string = never> = Omit< Opts<M>, K>;
export type Ret<M extends keyof RawApi> = ReturnType<RawApi[M]>;
function toApi(connector: ApiCallFn) { return new Proxy({} as RawApi, { get(_, method: string & keyof RawApi) { const api = connector.bind(null, method); return async (...args: Parameters<typeof api>) => { const data = await api(...args); if (data.ok) { return data.result; } else { throw new GrammyError( `Call to '${method}' failed!`, data, method, args[0], ); } }; }, });}
// Helper types to add `X` to `Context` and `Api` and `RawApi`type ObjectAssign<DestType, SourceType> = { [Key in keyof (DestType & SourceType)]: Key extends keyof SourceType ? SourceType[Key] : Key extends keyof DestType ? DestType[Key] : never;};
interface ContextX<C extends Context> { api: ApiX<C["api"]>; reply: Extend<C["reply"], X["sendMessage"]>; forwardMessage: Extend<C["forwardMessage"], X["forwardMessage"]>; replyWithPhoto: Extend<C["replyWithPhoto"], X["sendPhoto"]>; replyWithAudio: Extend<C["replyWithAudio"], X["sendAudio"]>; replyWithDocument: Extend<C["replyWithDocument"], X["sendDocument"]>; replyWithVideo: Extend<C["replyWithVideo"], X["sendVideo"]>; replyWithAnimation: Extend<C["replyWithAnimation"], X["sendAnimation"]>; replyWithVoice: Extend<C["replyWithVoice"], X["sendVoice"]>; replyWithVideoNote: Extend<C["replyWithVideoNote"], X["sendVideoNote"]>; editMessageLiveLocation: Extend< C["editMessageLiveLocation"], X["editMessageLiveLocation"] >; stopMessageLiveLocation: Extend< C["stopMessageLiveLocation"], X["stopMessageLiveLocation"] >; replyWithVenue: Extend<C["replyWithVenue"], X["sendVenue"]>; replyWithContact: Extend<C["replyWithContact"], X["sendContact"]>; replyWithPoll: Extend<C["replyWithPoll"], X["sendPoll"]>; replyWithDice: Extend<C["replyWithDice"], X["sendDice"]>; editMessageText: Extend<C["editMessageText"], X["editMessageText"]>; editMessageCaption: Extend< C["editMessageCaption"], X["editMessageCaption"] >; editMessageMedia: Extend<C["editMessageMedia"], X["editMessageMedia"]>; editMessageReplyMarkup: Extend< C["editMessageReplyMarkup"], X["editMessageReplyMarkup"] >; replyWithSticker: Extend<C["replyWithSticker"], X["sendSticker"]>; replyWithInvoice: Extend<C["replyWithInvoice"], X["sendInvoice"]>; replyWithGame: Extend<C["replyWithGame"], X["sendGame"]>; getChatMember: Extend<C["getChatMember"], X["getChatMember"]>; getChat: Extend<C["getChat"], X["getChat"]>; getAuthor: Extend<C["getAuthor"], X["getChatMember"]>;
update: UpdateX;
message: (MessageX & Update.NonChannel) | undefined; editedMessage: (MessageX & Update.Edited & Update.NonChannel) | undefined; channelPost: (MessageX & Update.Channel) | undefined; editedChannelPost: | (MessageX & Update.Edited & Update.Channel) | undefined; inlineQuery: InlineQueryX | undefined; callbackQuery: CallbackQueryX | undefined; shippingQuery: ShippingQueryX | undefined; preCheckoutQuery: PreCheckoutQueryX | undefined; chatJoinRequest: ChatJoinRequestX | undefined;
msg: MessageX | undefined;}
type ApiX<A extends Api> = AddX<A> & { raw: RawApiX<A["raw"]>;};type RawApiX<R extends RawApi> = AddX<R>;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anytype AddX<Q extends Record<keyof X, (...args: any[]) => any>> = { [K in keyof Q]: K extends keyof X ? Extend<Q[K], X[K]> : Q[K];};// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anytype Extend<F extends (...args: any[]) => any, X> = ( ...args: Parameters<F>) => Promise<Await<ReturnType<F>> & X>;type Await<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer V> ? Await<V> : T;