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Interactive menus for grammY
import { Composer, type Context, type Filter, type InlineKeyboardButton, type InlineKeyboardMarkup, type LoginUrl, type Middleware, type MiddlewareObj, type SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat,} from "./deps.deno.ts";
const b = 0xff; // mask for lowest byteconst toNums = (str: string) => Array.from(str).map((c) => c.codePointAt(0)!);const dec = new TextDecoder();/** Efficiently computes a 4-byte hash of an int32 array */function tinyHash(nums: number[]): string { // Inspired by JDK7's hashCode with different primes for a better distribution let hash = 17; for (const n of nums) hash = ((hash << 5) + (hash << 2) + hash + n) >>> 0; // hash = 37 * hash + n const bytes = [hash >>> 24, (hash >> 16) & b, (hash >> 8) & b, hash & b]; return dec.decode(Uint8Array.from(bytes)); // turn bytes into string}
const INJECT_METHODS = new Set([ "editMessageText", "editMessageCaption", "editMessageMedia", "editMessageReplyMarkup", "stopPoll",]);
/** * Context flavor for context objects in listeners that react to menus. Provides * ``, a control pane for the respective menu. */export interface MenuFlavor { match?: string; /** * Control panel for the currently active menu. `` is only available * for listeners that are passed as handlers to a menu, and it allows you to * perform simple actions such as navigating the menu, or updating or * closing it. * * As an example, if you have a text button that changes its label based on * `ctx`, then you should call * * ```ts * * ``` * * whenever you alter the context object in such a way that the label should * update. The same is true for dynamic ranges that change their layout. * * If you edit the message yourself after calling one of the functions on * ``, the new menu will be automatically injected into the payload. * Otherwise, a dedicated API call will be performed after your middleware * completes. */ menu: MenuControlPanel;}
interface Immediate { immediate?: boolean;}/** * Menu control panel. Can be used to update or close the menu, or to perform * manual navigation between menus. */export interface MenuControlPanel { /** * Call this method to update the menu. For instance, if you have a button * that changes its text based on `ctx`, then you should call this method to * update it. * * Calling this method will guarantee that the menu is updated, but note * that this will perform the update lazily. A new menu is injected into the * payload of the request the next time you edit the corresponding message. * If you let your middleware complete without editing the message itself * again, a dedicated API call will be performed that updates the menu. * * Pass `{ immediate: true }` to perform the update eagerly instead of * lazily. A dedicated API call that updates the menu is sent immediately. * In that case, the method returns a Promise that you should `await`. Eager * updating may cause flickering of the menu, and it may be slower in some * cases. */ update(config: { immediate: true }): Promise<void>; update(config?: { immediate?: false }): void; /** * Closes the menu. Removes all buttons underneath the message. * * Calling this method will guarantee that the menu is closed, but note that * this will be done lazily. A new menu is injected into the payload of the * request the next time you edit the corresponding message. If you let your * middleware complete without editing the message itself again, a dedicated * API call will be performed that closes the menu. * * Pass `{ immediate: true }` to perform the update eagerly instead of * lazily. A dedicated API call that updates the menu is sent immediately. * In that case, the method returns a Promise that you should `await`. Eager * closing may be slower in some cases. */ close(config: { immediate: true }): Promise<void>; close(config?: { immediate?: false }): void; /** * Navigates to the parent menu. By default, the parent menu is the menu on * which you called `register` when installing this menu. * * Throws an error if this menu does not have a parent menu. * * Calling this method will guarantee that the navigation is performed, but * note that this will be done lazily. A new menu is injected into the * payload of the request the next time you edit the corresponding message. * If you let your middleware complete without editing the message itself * again, a dedicated API call will be performed that performs the * navigation. * * Pass `{ immediate: true }` to navigate eagerly instead of lazily. A * dedicated API call is sent immediately. In that case, the method returns * a Promise that you should `await`. Eager navigation may cause flickering * of the menu, and it may be slower in some cases. */ back(config: { immediate: true }): Promise<void>; back(config?: { immediate?: false }): void; /** * Navigates to the specified submenu. The given identifier is the same * string that you pass to `new Menu('')`. If you specify the identifier of * the current menu itself, this method is equivalent to * ``. * * Remember that you must register all submenus at the root menu using the * `register` method before you can navigate between them. * * Calling this method will guarantee that the navigation is performed, but * note that this will be done lazily. A new menu is injected into the * payload of the request the next time you edit the corresponding message. * If you let your middleware complete without editing the message itself * again, a dedicated API call will be performed that performs the * navigation. * * Pass `{ immediate: true }` to navigate eagerly instead of lazily. A * dedicated API call is sent immediately. In that case, the method returns * a Promise that you should `await`. Eager navigation may cause flickering * of the menu, and it may be slower in some cases. */ nav(to: string, config: { immediate: true }): Promise<void>; nav(to: string, config?: { immediate?: false }): void;}
/** * Middleware that has access to the `` control panel. */type MenuMiddleware<C extends Context> = Middleware< Filter<C, "callback_query:data"> & MenuFlavor>;
/** A value, or a promise of a value */type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;/** A potentially async function that takes a context and returns a string */type DynamicString<C extends Context> = (ctx: C) => MaybePromise<string>;/** A potentially dynamic string */type MaybeDynamicString<C extends Context> = string | DynamicString<C>;
/** An object containing text and payload */interface TextAndPayload<C extends Context> { /** Text to display */ text: MaybeDynamicString<C>; /** Optional payload */ payload?: MaybeDynamicString<C>;}/** A dynamic string, or an object with a text and a payload */type MaybePayloadString<C extends Context> = | MaybeDynamicString<C> | TextAndPayload<C>;
type Cb<C extends Context> = & Omit< InlineKeyboardButton.CallbackButton, "callback_data" > & { /** * Middleware that will be invoked if a callback query for this button * is received. */ middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[]; /** * Optional payload for this button */ payload?: MaybeDynamicString<C>; };type NoCb = Exclude<InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardButton.CallbackButton>;type RemoveAllTexts<T> = T extends { text: string } ? Omit<T, "text"> : T;/** * Button of a menu. Almost the same type as InlineKeyboardButton but with texts * that can be generated on the fly, and middleware for callback buttons. */export type MenuButton<C extends Context> = { /** * Label text on the button, or a function that can generate this text. The * function is supplied with the context object that is used to make the * request. */ text: MaybeDynamicString<C>;} & RemoveAllTexts<NoCb | Cb<C>>;
/** * Raw menu range, i.e. a two-dimensional array of menu buttons. */type RawRange<C extends Context> = MenuButton<C>[][];/** * Range instance, or a raw (static) range that consists of a two-dimensional * menu button array. */type MaybeRawRange<C extends Context> = MenuRange<C> | RawRange<C>;/** * Potentially async function that generates a potentially raw range. */type DynamicRange<C extends Context> = ( ctx: C,) => MaybePromise<MaybeRawRange<C>>;/** * Potentially dynamic range. */type MaybeDynamicRange<C extends Context> = MaybeRawRange<C> | DynamicRange<C>;
const ops = Symbol("menu building operations");
/** * A menu range is a two-dimensional array of menu buttons. * * This array is a part of the total two-dimensional array of menu buttons. This * is mostly useful if you want to dynamically generate the structure of the * menu on the fly. */export class MenuRange<C extends Context> { /** Internal list of range generator functions */ [ops]: MaybeDynamicRange<C>[] = []; /** * This method is used internally whenever a new range is added. * * @param range A range object or a two-dimensional array of menu buttons */ addRange(...range: MaybeDynamicRange<C>[]) { this[ops].push(...range); return this; } /** * This method is used internally whenever new buttons are added. Adds the * buttons to the current row. * * @param btns Menu button object */ add(...btns: MenuButton<C>[]) { return this.addRange([btns]); } /** * Adds a 'line break'. Call this method to make sure that the next added * buttons will be on a new row. */ row() { return this.addRange([[], []]); } /** * Adds a new URL button. Telegram clients will open the provided URL when * the button is pressed. Note that they will not notify your bot when that * happens, so you cannot react to this button. * * @param text The text to display * @param url HTTP or tg:// url to be opened when button is pressed. Links tg://user?id=<user_id> can be used to mention a user by their ID without using a username, if this is allowed by their privacy settings. */ url(text: MaybeDynamicString<C>, url: string) { return this.add({ text, url }); } /** * Adds a new text button. You may pass any number of listeners. They will * be called when the button is pressed. * * ```ts * menu.text('Hit me!', ctx => ctx.reply('Ouch!')) * ``` * * If you pass several listeners, make sure that you understand what * [middleware]( is. * * You can also use this method to register a button that depends on the * current context. * * ```ts * function greetInstruction(ctx: Context): string { * const username = ctx.from?.first_name * return `Greet ${username ?? 'me'}!`, * } * * const menu = new Menu('my-menu') * .text(greetInstruction, ctx => ctx.reply("I'm too shy.")) * bot.use(menu) * * // This will send a menu with one text button, and the text has the name * // of the user that the bot is replying to. * bot.on('message', ctx => ctx.reply('What shall I do?', { reply_markup: menu })) * ``` * * If you base the text on [session * data](, you can easily create a * settings panel with toggle buttons. * * ```ts * // Button will toggle between 'Yes' and 'No' when pressed * menu.text(ctx => ctx.session.flag ? 'Yes' : 'No', async ctx => { * ctx.session.flag = !ctx.session.flag * await * }) * ``` * * @param text The text to display, or a text with payload * @param middleware The listeners to call when the button is pressed */ text(text: MaybeDynamicString<C>, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[]): this; text( text: TextAndPayload<C>, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C & { match: string }>[] ): this; text(text: MaybePayloadString<C>, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[]): this; text(text: MaybePayloadString<C>, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[]) { return this.add( typeof text === "object" ? { ...text, middleware } : { text, middleware }, ); } /** * Adds a new web app button, confer * * @param text The text to display * @param url An HTTPS URL of a Web App to be opened with additional data */ webApp(text: MaybeDynamicString<C>, url: string) { return this.add({ text, web_app: { url } }); } /** * Adds a new login button. This can be used as a replacement for the * Telegram Login Widget. You must specify an HTTPS URL used to * automatically authorize the user. * * @param text The text to display * @param loginUrl The login URL as string or `LoginUrl` object */ login(text: MaybeDynamicString<C>, loginUrl: string | LoginUrl) { return this.add({ text, login_url: typeof loginUrl === "string" ? { url: loginUrl } : loginUrl, }); } /** * Adds a new inline query button. Telegram clients will let the user pick a * chat when this button is pressed. This will start an inline query. The * selected chat will be prefilled with the name of your bot. You may * provide a text that is specified along with it. * * Your bot will in turn receive updates for inline queries. You can listen * to inline query updates like this: * ```ts * // Listen for specifc query * bot.inlineQuery('my-query', ctx => { ... }) * // Listen for any query * bot.on('inline_query', ctx => { ... }) * ``` * * @param text The text to display * @param query The (optional) inline query string to prefill */ switchInline(text: MaybeDynamicString<C>, query = "") { return this.add({ text, switch_inline_query: query }); } /** * Adds a new inline query button that acts on the current chat. The * selected chat will be prefilled with the name of your bot. You may * provide a text that is specified along with it. This will start an inline * query. * * Your bot will in turn receive updates for inline queries. You can listen * to inline query updates like this: * ```ts * // Listen for specifc query * bot.inlineQuery('my-query', ctx => { ... }) * // Listen for any query * bot.on('inline_query', ctx => { ... }) * ``` * * @param text The text to display * @param query The (optional) inline query string to prefill */ switchInlineCurrent(text: MaybeDynamicString<C>, query = "") { return this.add({ text, switch_inline_query_current_chat: query }); } /** * Adds a new inline query button. Telegram clients will let the user pick a * chat when this button is pressed. This will start an inline query. The * selected chat will be prefilled with the name of your bot. You may * provide a text that is specified along with it. * * Your bot will in turn receive updates for inline queries. You can listen * to inline query updates like this: * ```ts * bot.on('inline_query', ctx => { ... }) * ``` * * @param text The text to display * @param query The query object describing which chats can be picked */ switchInlineChosen( text: string, query: SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat = {}, ) { return this.add({ text, switch_inline_query_chosen_chat: query }); } /** * Adds a new game query button, confer * * * This type of button must always be the first button in the first row. * * @param text The text to display */ game(text: MaybeDynamicString<C>) { return this.add({ text, callback_game: {} }); } /** * Adds a new payment button, confer * * * This type of button must always be the first button in the first row and can only be used in invoice messages. * * @param text The text to display */ pay(text: MaybeDynamicString<C>) { return this.add({ text, pay: true }); } /** * Adds a button that navigates to a given submenu when pressed. You can * pass in the identifier of another menu instance. This way, you can * effectively create a network of menus with navigation between them. * * It is necessary that you register the targeted submenu by calling * `menu.register(submenu)`. Otherwise, no navigation can be performed. Note * that you then don't need to call `bot.use(submenu)` anymore, all * registered submenus will automatically become interactive, too. * * You can also navigate to this submenu manually by calling * `'sub-id')`, where `'sub-id'` is the identifier of the * submenu. * * You can call `submenu.back()` to add a button that navigates back to the * parent menu, i.e. the menu at which you registered the submenu. * * You can get back the `submenu` instance by calling `'sub-id')`, * where `'sub-id'` is the identifier you passed to the submenu. * * @param text The text to display, or a text with payload * @param menu The identifier of the submenu to open * @param middleware The listeners to call when the button is pressed */ submenu( text: MaybeDynamicString<C>, menu: string, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[] ): this; submenu( text: TextAndPayload<C>, menu: string, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C & { match: string }>[] ): this; submenu( text: MaybePayloadString<C>, menu: string, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[] ): this; submenu( text: MaybePayloadString<C>, menu: string, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[] ) { return this.text( text, middleware.length === 0 ? (ctx) => : (ctx, next) => (, next()), ...middleware, ); } /** * Adds a text button that performs a navigation to the parent menu via * ``. * * @param text The text to display, or a text with payload * @param middleware The listeners to call when the button is pressed */ back(text: MaybeDynamicString<C>, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[]): this; back( text: TextAndPayload<C>, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C & { match: string }>[] ): this; back(text: MaybePayloadString<C>, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[]): this; back(text: MaybePayloadString<C>, ...middleware: MenuMiddleware<C>[]) { return this.text( text, middleware.length === 0 ? (ctx) => : (ctx, next) => (, next()), ...middleware, ); } /** * This is a dynamic way to initialize menu. A typical use case is when you * want to create an arbitrary menu, using the data from `ctx.session`: * * ```ts * const menu = new Menu('root') * menu.dynamic(ctx =>, entry) => range.text(entry)), new Menu.Builder()) * bot.command("start", async (ctx) => { * await ctx.reply("Menu", { * reply_markup: menu, * }); * }); * ``` * * @param menuFactory Async menu factory function */ dynamic( rangeBuilder: ( ctx: C, range: MenuRange<C>, ) => MaybePromise<MaybeRawRange<C> | void>, ) { return this.addRange(async (ctx: C) => { const range = new MenuRange<C>(); const res = await rangeBuilder(ctx, range); if (res instanceof Menu) { throw new Error( "Cannot use a `Menu` instance as a dynamic range, did you mean to return an instance of `Menu.Range` instead?", ); } return res instanceof MenuRange ? res : range; }); } /** * Appends a given range to this range. This will effectively replay all * operations of the given range onto this range. * * @param range A potentially raw range */ append(range: MaybeRawRange<C>) { if (range instanceof MenuRange) { this[ops].push(...range[ops]); return this; } else return this.addRange(range); }}
/** * Configuration options for the menu. */export interface MenuOptions<C extends Context> { /** * Menus will automatically call `ctx.answerCallbackQuery` with no * arguments. If you want to call the method yourself, for example because * you need to send custom messages, you can set `autoAnswer` to `false` to * disable this behavior. */ autoAnswer?: boolean; /** * A menu is rendered once when it is sent, and once when a callback query * arrives. After all, we could not store all rendered menus in all chats * forever. * * If a user presses a button on an old menu instance far up the chat, the * buttons may have changed completely by now, and the menu would be * rendered differently today. Consequently, this menu plugin can detect if * the menu rendered based on the newly incoming callback query is the same * as the menu that was sent originally. * * If the menu is found to be outdated, no handlers are run. Instead, the * old message is updated and a fresh menu is put into place. A notification * is shown to the user that the menu was outdated. Long story short, you * can use this option to personalize what notification to display. You can * pass a string as the message to display to the user. * * Alternatively, you can specify custon middleware that will be invoked and * that can handle this case as you wish. You should update the menu * yourself, or send a new message with the updated menu. * * The default behavior is to display this message, and to update the menu: * “Menu was outdated, try again!” * * You can set `onMenuOutdated` to `false` to disable checks for outdated * menus altogether. In that case, the menu will behave as if the message * was no outdated, and run all handlers regardless. */ onMenuOutdated?: string | boolean | MenuMiddleware<C>; /** * Fingerprint function that lets you generate a unique string every time a * menu is rendered. Used to determine if a menu is outdated. If specified, * replaces the built-in heuristic. * * The built-in heuristic that determines whether a menu is outdated takes * the following things into account: * - identifier of the menu * - shape of the menu * - position of the pressed button * - potential payload * - text of the pressed button * * If all of these things are identical but the menu is still outdated, you * can use this option to supply the neccessary data that lets the menu * plugin determine more accurately if the menu is outdated. Similarly, if * any of these things differ but you want to consider the menu to be up to * date, you can also use this option to signal that. * * In other words, specifying a fingerprint function will replace the above * heuristic entirely by your own implementation. */ fingerprint?: DynamicString<C>;}
/** * A menu is a set of interactive buttons that is displayed beneath a message. * It uses an [inline keyboard]( for * that, so in a sense, a menu is just an inline keyboard spiced up with * interactivity (such as navigation between multiple pages). * * ```ts * // Creating a simple menu * const menu = new Menu('my-menu-identifier') * .text('A', ctx => ctx.reply('You pressed A!')).row() * .text('B', ctx => ctx.reply('You pressed B!')) * * // Make it interactive * bot.use(menu) * * bot.command('start', async ctx => { * // Send the menu: * await ctx.reply('Check out this menu:', { * reply_markup: menu * }) * }) * ``` * * Sending the menu is not directly possible via `bot.api.sendMessage`, only via * the context object, at least not yet. * * Check out the [official documentation]( * to see how you can create menus that span several pages, how to navigate * between them, and more. */export class Menu<C extends Context = Context> extends MenuRange<C> implements MiddlewareObj<C>, InlineKeyboardMarkup { private parent: string | undefined = undefined; private index: Map<string, Menu<C>> = new Map(); private readonly options: Required< MenuOptions<C> & { onMenuOutdated: string | false | MenuMiddleware<C> } >;
/** * Creates a new menu with the given identifier. * * Check out the [official * documentation]( to see how you can * create menus that span several pages, how to navigate between them, and * more. * * @param id Identifier of the menu * @param options Further configuration options */ constructor(private readonly id: string, options: MenuOptions<C> = {}) { super(); if (id.includes("/")) { throw new Error( `You cannot use '/' in a menu identifier ('${id}')`, ); } this.index.set(id, this); const outdated = options.onMenuOutdated; this.options = { autoAnswer: options.autoAnswer ?? true, onMenuOutdated: outdated === undefined || outdated === true ? "Menu was outdated, try again!" : outdated, fingerprint: options.fingerprint ?? (() => ""), }; if ( options.onMenuOutdated === false && options.fingerprint !== undefined ) { throw new Error( "Cannot use a fingerprint function when outdated detection is disabled!", ); } } /** * Used internally by the menu, do not touch or you'll burn yourself. */ public readonly inline_keyboard = new Proxy([], { get: () => { throw new Error( `Cannot send menu '${}'! Did you forget to use bot.use() for it?`, ); }, }); /** * Registers a submenu. This makes it accessible for navigation, and sets * its parent menu to `this` menu. * * Optionally, you can specify the identifier of a different parent menu as * a second argument. The parent menu is the menu that is targeted when * backwards navigation is performed. * * Note that once you registered a submenu, it is sufficient to call * `bot.use(menu)` for the parent menu only. You do not need to make all * submenus interactive by passing them to `bot.use`. * * @param menus The menu to register, or an array of them * @param parent An optional parent menu identifier */ register(menus: Menu<C> | Menu<C>[], parent = { const arr = Array.isArray(menus) ? menus : [menus]; const existing = arr.find((m) => this.index.has(; if (existing !== undefined) { throw new Error(`Menu '${}' already registered!`); } this.freeze(); for (const menu of arr) { menu.freeze(); // `menu.index` includes `menu` itself menu.index.forEach((m, id) => { this.index.set(id, m); m.index = this.index; }); menu.parent = parent; } } /** * Prevents this menu from being modified further in the future. */ private freeze() { if (Object.isFrozen(this[ops])) return; this[ops].push = () => { throw new Error( "You cannot change a menu after your bot started! Did you mean to use a dynamic range instead?", ); }; Object.freeze(this[ops]); } /** * Returns the menu instance for the given identifier. If the identifier is * the same as this menu's identifier, `this` is returned. * * @param id Menu identifier * @returns The identified menu */ at(id: string) { const menu = this.index.get(id); if (menu === undefined) { const validIds = Array.from(this.index.keys()) .map((k) => `'${k}'`) .join(", "); throw new Error( `Menu '${id}' is not known to menu '${}'! Known submenus are: ${validIds}`, ); } return menu; }
/** * Renders the menu to a static object of inline keyboard buttons by * concatenating all ranges, and applying the given context object to all * functions. * * @param ctx Context object to use */ private async render(ctx: C) { // Create renderer const renderer = createRenderer( ctx, async (btn, i, j): Promise<InlineKeyboardButton> => { const text = await uniform(ctx, btn.text); if ("middleware" in btn) { const row = i.toString(16); const col = j.toString(16); const payload = await uniform(ctx, btn.payload, ""); if (payload.includes("/")) { throw new Error( `Could not render menu '${}'! Payload must not contain a '/' character but was '${payload}'`, ); } return { callback_data: `${}/${row}/${col}/${payload}/`, text, }; } else return { ...btn, text }; }, ); // Render button array const rendered = await renderer(this[ops]); // Get shape of array const lengths = [rendered.length, => row.length)]; // Generate fingerprint const fingerprint = await uniform(ctx, this.options.fingerprint); for (const row of rendered) { for (const btn of row) { if ("callback_data" in btn) { // Inject hash values to detect keyboard changes let type: "h" | "f"; let data: number[]; if (fingerprint) { type = "f"; data = toNums(fingerprint); } else { type = "h"; data = [...lengths, ...toNums(btn.text)]; } btn.callback_data += type + tinyHash(data); } } } return rendered; }
/** * Replaces known menu instances in the payload by their rendered versions. * A menu is known if it is contained in this menu's index. Only the * `reply_markup` property of the given object is checked for containing a * menu. * * @param payload Payload of API call * @param ctx Context object */ private async prepare(payload: Record<string, unknown>, ctx: C) { if (payload.reply_markup instanceof Menu) { const menu = this.index.get(; if (menu !== undefined) { const rendered = await menu.render(ctx); payload.reply_markup = { inline_keyboard: rendered }; } } } middleware() { const composer = new Composer<C>((ctx, next) => { ctx.api.config.use(async (prev, method, payload, signal) => { const p: Record<string, unknown> = payload; if (Array.isArray(p.results)) { await Promise.all( => this.prepare(r, ctx)), ); } else await this.prepare(p, ctx); return await prev(method, payload, signal); }); return next(); }); composer.on("callback_query:data").lazy(async (ctx) => { // Extract data from callback query data const [id, rowStr, colStr, payload,] = ctx"/"); const [type, ...h] = rest.join("/"); const hash = h.join(""); // Skip handling if this is not a known format if (!rowStr || !colStr) return []; if (type !== "h" && type !== "f") return []; // Get matched menu from index const menu = this.index.get(id); if (menu === undefined) return []; const row = parseInt(rowStr, 16); const col = parseInt(colStr, 16); if (row < 0 || col < 0) { const msg = `Invalid button position '${rowStr}/${colStr}'`; throw new Error(msg); } const outdated = menu.options.onMenuOutdated; // provide payload on `ctx.match` if it is not empty if (payload) ctx.match = payload; // Create middleware that installs `` const navInstaller = this.makeNavInstaller(menu); /** Defines what happens if the used menu is outdated */ function menuIsOutdated() { if (outdated === false) throw new Error("cannot happen"); return typeof outdated !== "string" ? [navInstaller, outdated as Middleware<C>] : (ctx: C) => Promise.all([ ctx.answerCallbackQuery({ text: outdated }), ctx.editMessageReplyMarkup({ reply_markup: menu }), ]); } // Check fingerprint if used const fingerprint = await uniform(ctx, menu.options.fingerprint); const useFp = fingerprint !== ""; if (useFp !== (type === "f")) return menuIsOutdated(); if (useFp && tinyHash(toNums(fingerprint)) !== hash) { return menuIsOutdated(); } // Create renderer and perform rendering const renderer = createRenderer(ctx, (btn: MenuButton<C>) => btn); const range: RawRange<C> = await renderer(menu[ops]); // Check dimension const check = !useFp && outdated !== false; if (check && (row >= range.length || col >= range[row].length)) { return menuIsOutdated(); } // Check correct button type const btn = range[row][col]; if (!("middleware" in btn)) { if (check) return menuIsOutdated(); throw new Error( `Cannot invoke handlers because menu '${}' is outdated!`, ); } // Check dimensions if (check) { const rowCount = range.length; const rowLengths = => row.length); const label = await uniform(ctx, btn.text); const data = [rowCount, ...rowLengths, ...toNums(label)]; const expectedHash = tinyHash(data); if (hash !== expectedHash) return menuIsOutdated(); } // Run handler const handler = btn.middleware as Middleware<C>[]; const mw = [navInstaller, ...handler]; if (!menu.options.autoAnswer) return mw; const c = new Composer<C>(); c.fork((ctx) => ctx.answerCallbackQuery()); c.use(; return c; }); return composer.middleware(); }
private makeNavInstaller<C extends Context>(menu: Menu<C>): Middleware<C> { return async (ctx, next) => { let injectMenu = false; let targetMenu: Menu<C> | undefined = menu;
ctx.api.config.use((prev, method, payload, signal) => { if ( INJECT_METHODS.has(method) && !("reply_markup" in payload) && "chat_id" in payload && payload.chat_id !== undefined && payload.chat_id === && "message_id" in payload && payload.message_id !== undefined && payload.message_id === ctx.msg?.message_id ) { injectMenu = false; Object.assign(payload, { reply_markup: targetMenu }); } return prev(method, payload, signal); });
async function nav({ immediate }: Immediate = {}, menu?: Menu<C>) { injectMenu = true; targetMenu = menu; if (immediate) await ctx.editMessageReplyMarkup(); } const controlPanel: MenuControlPanel = { update: (config) => nav(config, menu), close: (config) => nav(config, undefined), nav: (to, config) => nav(config,, back: (config) => { const parent = menu.parent; if (parent === undefined) { throw new Error( `Cannot navigate back from menu '${}', no known parent!`, ); } return nav(config,; }, }; // register Object.assign(ctx, { menu: controlPanel }); try { // call handlers await next(); // update menu if it could not be injected if (injectMenu) await nav({ immediate: true }, targetMenu); } finally { // unregister Object.assign(ctx, { menu: undefined }); } }; }}
/** * Creates an asynchronous rendering function for a given context object. A * rendering function takes a potentially dynamic menu range, and generates a * static two-dimensional array of button objects. * * Menu ranges store menu buttons. You need to pass a button transformer * function that turns a menu button into whatever button type you want to be * generated. For example, you may want to pass a function that generates inline * buttons. This function can be asynchronous. * * @param ctx Context object * @param buttonTransformer Button transformer * @returns Rendering function */function createRenderer<C extends Context, B>( ctx: C, buttonTransformer: ( btn: MenuButton<C>, row: number, col: number, ) => MaybePromise<B>,): (ops: MaybeDynamicRange<C>[]) => Promise<B[][]> { async function layout( keyboard: Promise<B[][]>, range: MaybeDynamicRange<C>, ): Promise<B[][]> { const k = await keyboard; // Make static const btns = typeof range === "function" ? await range(ctx) : range; // Make raw if (btns instanceof MenuRange) { return btns[ops].reduce(layout, keyboard); } // Replay new buttons on top of partially constructed keyboard let first = true; for (const row of btns) { if (!first) k.push([]); const i = k.length - 1; for (const button of row) { const j = k[i].length; const btn = await buttonTransformer(button, i, j); k[i].push(btn); } first = false; } return k; } return (ops) => ops.reduce(layout, Promise.resolve([[]]));}
/** * Turns an optional and potentially dynamic string into a regular string for a * given context object. * * @param ctx Context object * @param value Potentially dynamic string * @param fallback Fallback string value if value is undefined * @returns Plain old string */function uniform<C extends Context>( ctx: C, value: MaybeDynamicString<C> | undefined, fallback = "",): MaybePromise<string> { if (value === undefined) return fallback; else if (typeof value === "function") return value(ctx); else return value;}