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Safely format messages and keep their source code maintainable.
variable fmt
import { fmt } from "";

This is the format tagged template function. It accepts a template literal containing any mix of Stringable and string values, and constructs a FormattedString that represents the combination of all the given values. The constructed FormattedString also implements Stringable, and can be used in further fmt tagged templates.

Can also be called like regular function and passed an array of Stringables.

// Using return values of fmt in fmt
const left = fmt`${bold('>>>')} >>>`;
const right = fmt`<<< ${bold('<<<')}`;

const final = fmt`${left} ${ctx.msg.text} ${right}`;
await ctx.replyFmt(final);

// Using regular function form
const cart = fmt([
  "Your shopping cart:\n", => fmt`- ${bold(} (${item.price})\n`),
// Using result in editMessageText
await ctx.editMessageText(cart.text, { entities: cart.entities });


(rawStringParts: TemplateStringsArray | Stringable[], ...stringLikes: Stringable[]) => FormattedString