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Safely format messages and keep their source code maintainable.
import * as grammyParseMode from "";


Represents the formatted string after the parsing.


Formats the Stringable as a blockquote. Cannot be nested.

Formats the Stringable as bold. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable as inline code. Cannot be combined with any other formats.

Inserts a custom emoji.

This is the format tagged template function. It accepts a template literal containing any mix of Stringable and string values, and constructs a FormattedString that represents the combination of all the given values. The constructed FormattedString also implements Stringable, and can be used in further fmt tagged templates.

Hydrates a context with an additional set of reply methods

Formats the Stringable as italic. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable as a link. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable`` as a Telegram link to a chat message. Incompatible with codeandpre`.

Formats the Stringable as an internal Telegram link to a user. Incompatible with code and pre.

Creates a new transformer for the given parse mode.

Formats the Stringable as a code block. Cannot be combined with any other formats.

Formats the Stringable as a spoiler. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable as a strikethrough. Incompatible with code and pre.

Formats the Stringable as a underline. Incompatible with code and pre.


Objects that implement this interface implement a .toString() method that returns a string value representing the object.

Type Aliases


Context flavor for Context that will be hydrated with an additional set of reply methods from hydrateReply