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Safely format messages and keep their source code maintainable.
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import type { Context, NextFunction, ParseMode } from "./deps.deno.ts";import { FormattedString, type Stringable } from "./format.ts";
type Tail<T extends Array<any>> = T extends [head: infer E1, ...tail: infer E2] ? E2 : [];
/** * Context flavor for `Context` that will be hydrated with * an additional set of reply methods from `hydrateReply` */type ParseModeFlavor<C extends Context> = C & { replyFmt: ( stringLike: Stringable, ...args: Tail<Parameters<C["reply"]>> ) => ReturnType<C["reply"]>; replyWithHTML: C["reply"]; replyWithMarkdown: C["reply"]; replyWithMarkdownV1: C["reply"]; replyWithMarkdownV2: C["reply"];};
/** * @deprecated Use ParseModeFlavor instead of ParseModeContext */type ParseModeContext<C extends Context = Context> = ParseModeFlavor<C>;
const buildReplyWithParseMode = <C extends Context>( parseMode: ParseMode, ctx: ParseModeFlavor<C>,) => { return (...args: Parameters<C["reply"]>) => { const [text, payload,] = args; return ctx.reply( text, { ...payload, parse_mode: parseMode }, as any, ); };};
/** * Hydrates a context with an additional set of reply methods * @param ctx The context to hydrate * @param next The next middleware function */const middleware = async <C extends Context>( ctx: ParseModeFlavor<C>, next: NextFunction,) => { ctx.replyFmt = (stringLike, ...args) => { const [payload,] = args; const entities = stringLike instanceof FormattedString ? { entities: stringLike.entities } : undefined; return ctx.reply( stringLike.toString(), { ...payload, ...entities }, as any, ) as ReturnType<C["reply"]>; };
ctx.replyWithHTML = buildReplyWithParseMode("HTML", ctx); ctx.replyWithMarkdown = buildReplyWithParseMode("MarkdownV2", ctx); ctx.replyWithMarkdownV1 = buildReplyWithParseMode("Markdown", ctx); ctx.replyWithMarkdownV2 = buildReplyWithParseMode("MarkdownV2", ctx); await next();};
export { middleware as hydrateReply, type ParseModeContext, type ParseModeFlavor,};