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Protect grammY bots by limiting users
interface User { id: number; "is_bot": boolean; "first_name": string; "last_name"?: string; "username"?: string; "language_code"?: string;}
export interface Context { from: User | undefined;}
export interface RedisType { incr(key: string): Promise<number>; pexpire(key: string, milliseconds: number): Promise<number>;}
export type NextFunction = () => Promise<void>;
export interface OptionsInterface<C extends Context, RT extends RedisType> { /** * @default 1000 (miliseconds) * @description The time frame during which the requests will be monitored */ timeFrame?: number;
/** * @default 1 * @description the number of requests a user is allowed to send in a specific timeFrame */ limit?: number;
/** * @default MEMORY_STORE * @param MEMORY_STORE which uses the a Map() in memory * @param REDIS which is your redis client you get from [ioredis]( or [x\redis]( library. * @description The type of storage to use for keeping track of users and their requests. */ storageClient?: "MEMORY_STORE" | RT;
/** * @param ctx Is the context object you get from grammy/telegraf. * @param next Is the next function you get from grammy/telegraf. * @description Executed only once for each limit excess unless alwaysReply is explicitly set to true. By default, it does nothing, meaning that the user is not notified when they exceed the limit. The middleware simply ignores excessive requests and the user is required to wait. */ onLimitExceeded?: (ctx: C, next: NextFunction) => void; /** * @default false * @description Whether to always call onLimitExceeded or not. */ alwaysReply?: boolean;
/** * @param ctx Is the context object you get from grammy/telegraf. * @returns A number in **string** format as the unique key (identifier). * @description A function to generate a unique key for every user. You cound set it as any key you want (e.g group id) * @see [Getting Started]( */ keyGenerator?: (ctx: C) => string | undefined;}
export const defaultOptions = { timeFrame: 1000, limit: 1, onLimitExceeded: (_ctx: Context, _next: NextFunction) => {}, storageClient: "MEMORY_STORE", keyGenerator: (ctx: Context) => ctx.from === undefined ? undefined :,};