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import { type Update } from "./deps.deno.ts";import { createConcurrentSink, type SinkOptions, type UpdateConsumer, type UpdateSink,} from "./sink.ts";import { createSource, type SourceOptions, type UpdateSource, type UpdateSupplier,} from "./source.ts";
/** * Options to be passed to `run(bot, options)`. Collects the options for the * underlying update source, runner, and update sink. */export interface RunOptions<Y> { /** * Options that influence the behavior of the update source. */ source?: SourceOptions; /** * Options that influence the behavior of the runner which connects source and sink. */ runner?: RunnerOptions; /** * Options that influence the behavior of the sink that processes the updates. */ sink?: SinkOptions<Y>;}
/** * Options to be passed to the runner created internally by `run(bot)`. */export interface RunnerOptions { /** * Options that can be passed when fetching new updates. All options here are * simply forwarded to `getUpdates`. The runner itself does not do anything * with them. */ fetch?: FetchOptions; /** * When a call to `getUpdates` fails, this option specifies the number of * milliseconds that the runner should keep on retrying the calls. */ maxRetryTime?: number; /** * Time to wait between retries of calls to `getUpdates`. Can be a number of * milliseconds to wait. Can be 'exponential' or 'quadratic' for increasing * backoff starting at 100 milliseconds. */ retryInterval?: "exponential" | "quadratic" | number; /** * The runner logs all errors from `getUpdates` calls via `console.error`. * Set this option to `false` to suppress output. */ silent?: boolean;}
/** * Options that can be passed to the call to `getUpdates` when the runner * fetches new a new batch of updates. * * Corresponds to the options mentioned in * but without the parameters that * the runner controls. */export interface FetchOptions { /** * Timeout in seconds for long polling. Defaults to 30. */ timeout?: number; /** * A list of the update types you want your bot to receive. For example, * specify `["message", "edited_channel_post", "callback_query"]` to only * receive updates of these types. See * [Update]( for a complete list * of available update types. Specify an empty list to receive all update * types except `chat_member` (default). If not specified, the previous * setting will be used. */ allowed_updates?: ReadonlyArray<Exclude<keyof Update, "update_id">>;}
/** * This handle gives you control over a runner. It allows you to stop the bot, * start it again, and check whether it is running. */export interface RunnerHandle { /** * Starts the bot. Note that calling `run` will automatically do this for * you, so you only have to call `start` if you create a runner yourself * with `createRunner`. */ start: () => void; /** * Stops the bot. The bot will no longer fetch updates from Telegram, and it * will interrupt the currently pending `getUpdates` call. * * This method returns a promise that will resolve as soon as all currently * running middleware is done executing. This means that you can `await * handle.stop()` to be sure that your bot really stopped completely. */ stop: () => Promise<void>; /** * Returns the size of the underlying update sink. This number is equal to * the number of updates that are currently being processed. The size does * not count updates that have completed, errored, or timed out. */ size: () => number; /** * Returns a promise that resolves as soon as the runner stops, either by * being stopped or by crashing. If the bot crashes, it means that the error * handlers installed on the bot re-threw the error, in which case the bot * terminates. A runner handle does not give you access to errors thrown by * the bot. Returns `undefined` if and only if `isRunning` returns `false`. */ task: () => Promise<void> | undefined; /** * Determines whether the bot is currently running or not. Note that this * will return `false` as soon as you call `stop` on the handle, even though * the promise returned by `stop` may not have resolved yet. */ isRunning: () => boolean;}
/** * Adapter interface that specifies a minimal structure a bot has to obey in * order for `run` to be able to run it. All grammY bots automatically conform * with this structure. */interface BotAdapter<Y, R> { init?: () => Promise<void>; handleUpdate: (update: Y) => Promise<void>; errorHandler: (error: R) => unknown; api: { getUpdates: ( args: { offset: number; limit: number; timeout: number }, signal: AbortSignal, ) => Promise<Y[]>; };}
/** * Runs a grammY bot with long polling. Updates are processed concurrently with * a default maximum concurrency of 500 updates. Calls to `getUpdates` will be * slowed down and the `limit` parameter will be adjusted as soon as this load * limit is reached. * * You should use this method if your bot processes a lot of updates (several * thousand per hour), or if your bot has long-running operations such as large * file transfers. * * Confer the grammY [documentation]( to * learn more about how to scale a bot with grammY. * * @param bot A grammY bot * @param options Further configuration options * @returns A handle to manage your running bot */export function run<Y extends { update_id: number }, R>( bot: BotAdapter<Y, R>, options: RunOptions<Y> = {},): RunnerHandle { const { source: sourceOpts, runner: runnerOpts, sink: sinkOpts } = options;
// create update fetch function const fetchUpdates = createUpdateFetcher(bot, runnerOpts);
// create source const supplier: UpdateSupplier<Y> = { supply: async function (batchSize, signal) { if (bot.init !== undefined) await bot.init(); const updates = await fetchUpdates(batchSize, signal); = fetchUpdates; return updates; }, }; const source = createSource(supplier, sourceOpts);
// create sink const consumer: UpdateConsumer<Y> = { consume: (update) => bot.handleUpdate(update), }; const sink = createConcurrentSink<Y, R>(consumer, async (error) => { try { await bot.errorHandler(error); } catch (error) { printError(error); } }, sinkOpts);
// launch const runner = createRunner(source, sink); runner.start(); return runner;}
/** * Takes a grammY bot and returns an update fetcher function for it. The * returned function has built-in retrying behavior that can be configured. * After every successful fetching operation, the `offset` parameter is * correctly incremented. As a result, you can simply invoke the created function * multiple times in a row, and you will obtain new updates every time. * * The update fetcher function has a default long polling timeout of 30 seconds. * Specify `sourceOptions` to configure what values to pass to `getUpdates` * calls. * * @param bot A grammY bot * @param options Further options on how to fetch updates * @returns A function that can fetch updates with automatic retry behavior */export function createUpdateFetcher<Y extends { update_id: number }, R>( bot: BotAdapter<Y, R>, options: RunnerOptions = {},) { const { fetch: fetchOpts, retryInterval = "exponential", maxRetryTime = 15 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 15 hours in milliseconds silent, } = options; const backoff: (t: number) => number = retryInterval === "exponential" ? (t) => t + t : retryInterval === "quadratic" ? (t) => t + 100 : (t) => t; const initialRetryIn = typeof retryInterval === "number" ? retryInterval : 100;
let offset = 0; async function fetchUpdates(batchSize: number, signal: AbortSignal) { const args = { timeout: 30, ...fetchOpts, offset, limit: Math.max(1, Math.min(batchSize, 100)), // 1 <= batchSize <= 100 };
const latestRetry = + maxRetryTime; let retryIn = initialRetryIn;
let updates: Y[] | undefined; do { try { updates = await bot.api.getUpdates(args, signal); } catch (error) { // do not retry if stopped if (signal.aborted) throw error;
if (!silent) { console.error( "[grammY runner] Error while fetching updates:", ); console.error("[grammY runner]", error); }
// preventing retries on unrecoverable errors await throwIfUnrecoverable(error);
if ( + retryIn < latestRetry) { await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, retryIn)); retryIn = backoff(retryIn); } else { // do not retry for longer than `maxRetryTime` throw error; } } } while (updates === undefined);
const lastId = updates[updates.length - 1]?.update_id; if (lastId !== undefined) offset = lastId + 1; return updates; }
return fetchUpdates;}
/** * Creates a runner that pulls in updates from the supplied source, and passes * them to the supplied sink. Returns a handle that lets you control the runner, * e.g. start it. * * @param source The source of updates * @param sink The sink for updates * @returns A handle to start and manage your bot */export function createRunner<Y>( source: UpdateSource<Y>, sink: UpdateSink<Y>,): RunnerHandle { let running = false; let task: Promise<void> | undefined;
async function runner(): Promise<void> { if (!running) return; try { for await (const updates of source.generator()) { const capacity = await sink.handle(updates); if (!running) break; source.setGeneratorPace(capacity); } } catch (e) { // Error is thrown when `stop` is called, so we only rethrow the // error if the bot was not already stopped intentionally before. if (running) { running = false; task = undefined; throw e; } } running = false; task = undefined; }
return { start: () => { running = true; task = runner(); }, size: () => sink.size(), stop: () => { const t = task!; running = false; task = undefined; source.close(); return t; }, task: () => task, isRunning: () => running && source.isActive(), };}
async function throwIfUnrecoverable(err: unknown) { if (typeof err !== "object" || err === null) return; const code = "error_code" in err ? err.error_code : undefined; if (code === 401 || code === 409) throw err; // unauthorized or conflict if (code === 429) { // server is closing, must wait some seconds if ( "parameters" in err && typeof err.parameters === "object" && err.parameters !== null && "retry_after" in err.parameters && typeof err.parameters.retry_after === "number" ) { const delay = err.parameters.retry_after; await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000 * delay)); } }}
function printError(error: unknown) { console.error("::: ERROR ERROR ERROR :::"); console.error(); console.error("The error handling of your bot threw"); console.error("an error itself! Make sure to handle"); console.error("all errors! Time:", new Date().toISOString()); console.error(); console.error("The default error handler rethrows all"); console.error("errors. Did you maybe forget to set"); console.error("an error handler with `bot.catch`?"); console.error(); console.error("Here is your error object:"); console.error(error);}