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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
import * as harmony from "";


Manages Slash Commands, allows fetching/modifying/deleting/creating Slash Commands.

TSX compiles down to BotUI.createElement

Message Embed Object

Represents a base Interaction.

Represents a Channel Object for an Option in Slash Command

Slash Client represents an Interactions Client which can be used without Harmony Client.

Message Attachment that can be sent while Creating Message

Slash Command Builder

Slash Client represents an Interactions Client which can be used without Harmony Client.

Manages Slash Commands, allows fetching/modifying/deleting/creating Slash Commands.


Current Slash Client being used to handle commands

Manage Slash Commands right in Deploy


Represents a row containing other components. All components must go inside Action Rows.

Decorator to add a autocomplete interaction handler.

A button component

Cusomizable command validation.

Fragment is like the root component which converts TSX elements into Component Payload

Decorator to create a Grouped Sub-Command Command handler for a Slash Command.

Register Slash Command handler.

Initialize Slash Commands Handler for Deno Deploy. Easily create Serverless Slash Commands on the fly.

Listen for Interactions Event

The command can only be called if the bot is currently in a voice channel. GatewayIntents.GUILD_VOICE_STATES needs to be set.

The command can only be called from a guild.

The command can only be called if the user is currently in a voice channel. GatewayIntents.GUILD_VOICE_STATES needs to be set.

Decorator to create a Button message component interaction handler.

Decorator to create a Message Context Menu Command handler.

Decorator to create a Modal submit interaction handler.

An option or choice for Select Component

Select (drop down) component. Allows user to choose one or more options

Decorator to create a Slash Command handler.

Decorator to create a Sub-Command Command handler for a Slash Command.

Decorator to create a User Context Menu Command handler.


Represents the Slash Command (Application Command) payload sent for creating/[bulk] editing.

Represents a fully qualified Application Command payload.

Interaction Message related Options

Represents the Slash Command (Application Command) payload sent for creating/[bulk] editing.

Represents a fully qualified Application Command payload.

Options for InteractionsClient