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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
import { SlashClient } from "";

Slash Client represents an Interactions Client which can be used without Harmony Client.


SlashClient(options: SlashOptions)


autocompleteHandlers: AutocompleteHandler[]
client: Client
componentHandlers: ComponentInteractionHandler[]
enabled: boolean
id: string | (() => string)
publicKey: string
rest: RESTManager
token: string | undefined


Get Handler for an autocomplete Interaction. Supports nested sub commands and sub command groups.

Get Handler for an Interaction. Supports nested sub commands and sub command groups.

Get Handler for an component Interaction.

Get Handler for an modal submit Interaction.

_process(interaction: Interaction | ApplicationCommandInteraction): Promise<void>

Process an incoming Interaction

cmd: string,
option: string,
): this

Add a handler for autocompletions (for application command options).

Fetch Application of the Client (if Token is present)

Get all Handlers. Including Slash Modules

getID(): string

Adds a new Application Command Handler

handle(cmd: string, handler: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): this
cmd: string,
type: ApplicationCommandType | keyof ApplicationCommandType,
): this
verifyFetchEvent(unnamed 0: { respondWith: CallableFunction; request: Request; }): Promise<false | Interaction>

Verify FetchEvent (for Service Worker usage) and return Interaction if valid

rawBody: string | Uint8Array,
signature: string | Uint8Array,
timestamp: string | Uint8Array,
): boolean

Verify HTTP based Interaction

verifyOakRequest<T extends { request: { headers: Headers; hasBody: boolean; body: () => { value: Promise<Uint8Array>; }; }; }>(ctx: T): Promise<boolean>

Method to verify Request from Oak server "Context".

verifyOpineMiddleware<Req extends { headers: Headers; body: Deno.Reader; }, Res extends { setStatus: (code: number) => Res; end: () => Res; }>(
req: Req,
res: Res,
next: CallableFunction,
): Promise<boolean>

Middleware to verify request in Opine framework.

verifyOpineRequest<T extends { headers: Headers; body: Deno.Reader; }>(req: T): Promise<boolean>
verifyServerRequest(req: { headers: Headers; method: string; body: Deno.Reader | Uint8Array; respond: (options: { status?: number; headers?: Headers; body?: BodyInit; }) => Promise<void>; }): Promise<false | Interaction>

Verify Deno Std HTTP Server Request and return Interaction.

Data present in Interaction returned by this method is very different from actual typings as there is no real Client behind the scenes to cache things.