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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
import { ApplicationCommandHandler, ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, AutocompleteHandler, AutocompleteHandlerCallback, ComponentInteractionCallback, InteractionsClient, ComponentInteractionHandler} from './client.ts'import type { Client } from '../client/mod.ts'import { ApplicationCommandsModule } from './commandModule.ts'import { ApplicationCommandInteraction } from '../structures/applicationCommand.ts'import { GatewayIntents } from '../types/gateway.ts'import { ApplicationCommandType } from '../types/applicationCommand.ts'import { MessageComponentInteraction } from '../structures/messageComponents.ts'import { ModalSubmitInteraction } from '../structures/modalSubmitInteraction.ts'
/** * Type extension that adds the `_decoratedAppCmd` list. * * @deprecated With the new decorator proposal, this is no longer needed. */interface DecoratedAppExt { _decoratedAppCmd?: ApplicationCommandHandler[] _decoratedAutocomplete?: AutocompleteHandler[] _decoratedComponents?: ComponentInteractionHandler[]}
// Maybe a better name for this would be `ApplicationCommandBase` or `ApplicationCommandObject` or something elsetype ApplicationCommandClient = | Client | InteractionsClient | ApplicationCommandsModule
// See abovetype ApplicationCommandClientExt = ApplicationCommandClient & DecoratedAppExt
type CommandValidationCondition = ( i: ApplicationCommandInteraction) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
interface CommandValidation { condition: CommandValidationCondition action?: string | ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback}
type ApplicationCommandDecorator = ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, ctx: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt>) => void
type AutocompleteDecorator = ( original: AutocompleteHandlerCallback, ctx: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt>) => void
type MessageComponentDecorator<T = any> = ( original: ComponentInteractionCallback<T>, ctx: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt>) => void
/** * Wraps the command handler with a validation function. * @param desc property descriptor * @param validation validation function and action to show or call if validation fails * @returns wrapped function */function wrapConditionApplicationCommandHandler( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, validation: CommandValidation): ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback { const { condition, action } = validation
return async function ( this: ApplicationCommandClient, i: ApplicationCommandInteraction ) { if (!(await condition(i))) { // condition not met if (typeof action === 'string') { i.reply(action) } else if (typeof action === 'function') { action(i) } return } // condition met return, i) }}
/** * Decorator to add a autocomplete interaction handler. * * Example: * ```ts * class MyClient extends Client { * // ... * * @autocomplete("search", "query") * searchCompletions(i: AutocompleteInteraction) { * // ... * } * } * ``` * * @param command Command name of which options' to provide autocompletions for. Can be `*` (all). * @param option Option name to handle autocompletions for. Can be `*` (all). */export function autocomplete( command: string, option: string): AutocompleteDecorator { return function ( original: AutocompleteHandlerCallback, { addInitializer, private: _private }: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { if (_private === true) throw new TypeError('Not supported on private methods.')
addInitializer(function () { const handle: AutocompleteHandler = { cmd: command, option, handler: original.bind(this) }
if ( handle.cmd.includes(' ') === true && handle.parent === undefined && === undefined ) { const parts = handle.cmd.split(/ +/).filter((e) => e !== '') if (parts.length > 3 || parts.length < 1) { throw new Error('Invalid command name') } const root = parts.shift() as string const group = parts.length === 2 ? parts.shift() : undefined const sub = parts.shift()
handle.cmd = sub ?? root = group handle.parent = sub === undefined ? undefined : root }
if (this instanceof InteractionsClient) { this.autocompleteHandlers.push(handle) } else if (this instanceof ApplicationCommandsModule) { this.autocomplete.push(handle) } else { this.interactions.autocompleteHandlers.push(handle) } })
return original }}
/** * Decorator to create a Slash Command handler. * * Example: * ```ts * class MyClient extends Client { * // ... * * @slash("my-command") * myCommand(i: ApplicationCommandInteraction) { * return i.reply("Hello, World!"); * } * } * ``` * * Note that the name parameter is optional in this decorator, * it can also be inferred from the method name you define and * use decorator on. * * If you want to split these decorators into different * files, you can use these in classes extending * `ApplicationCommandsModule` and then use * `client.interactions.loadModule`. * * For handling sub-commands or grouped sub-commands, look * into docs for `subslash` and `groupslash`. */export function slash( name?: string, guild?: string): ApplicationCommandDecorator { return function ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, { name: prop, addInitializer, private: _private }: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { if (_private === true) throw new TypeError('Not supported on private methods.')
addInitializer(function () { const handler: ApplicationCommandHandler = { name: name ?? prop.toString(), guild, handler: original.bind(this) }
if (this instanceof InteractionsClient) { this.handlers.push(handler) } else if (this instanceof ApplicationCommandsModule) { this.commands.push(handler) } else { this.interactions.handlers.push(handler) } })
return original }}
/** * Decorator to create a Sub-Command Command handler for a * Slash Command. * * Example: * ```ts * class MyClient extends Client { * // ... * * @subslash("config", "reset") * configReset(i: ApplicationCommandInteraction) { * // ... * } * } * ``` * * Note that only first argument that is `parent` is required, * second can be inferred from the method name you define * and use decorator on. * * For more info on Slash Command handler decorators, look * into docs for `slash` decorator. */export function subslash( parent: string, name?: string, guild?: string): ApplicationCommandDecorator { return function ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, { name: prop, addInitializer, private: _private }: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { if (_private === true) throw new TypeError('Not supported on private methods.')
addInitializer(function () { const handler: ApplicationCommandHandler = { parent, name: name ?? prop.toString(), guild, handler: original.bind(this) }
if (this instanceof InteractionsClient) { this.handlers.push(handler) } else if (this instanceof ApplicationCommandsModule) { this.commands.push(handler) } else { this.interactions.handlers.push(handler) } })
return original }}
/** * Decorator to create a Grouped Sub-Command Command handler * for a Slash Command. * * Example: * ```ts * class MyClient extends Client { * // ... * * @groupslash("config", "options", "set") * configOptionsSet(i: ApplicationCommandInteraction) { * // ... * } * } * ``` * * Note that only first two arguments i.e. `group` & `parent` are * required, name can be inferred from the method name you define * and use decorator on. * * For more info on Slash Command handler decorators, look * into docs for `slash` decorator. */export function groupslash( parent: string, group: string, name?: string, guild?: string): ApplicationCommandDecorator { return function ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, { name: prop, addInitializer, private: _private }: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { if (_private === true) throw new TypeError('Not supported on private methods.')
addInitializer(function () { const handler: ApplicationCommandHandler = { group, parent, name: name ?? prop.toString(), guild, handler: original.bind(this) }
if (this instanceof InteractionsClient) { this.handlers.push(handler) } else if (this instanceof ApplicationCommandsModule) { this.commands.push(handler) } else { this.interactions.handlers.push(handler) } })
return original }}
/** * Decorator to create a Message Context Menu Command handler. * * Example: * ```ts * class MyClient extends Client { * // ... * * @messageContextMenu("Content Length") * contentLength(i: ApplicationCommandInteraction) { * return i.reply({ * content: `Length: ${i.targetMessage!.content.length}`, * ephemeral: true, * }); * } * } * ``` * * If you want to split these decorators into different * files, you can use these in classes extending * `ApplicationCommandsModule` and then use * `client.interactions.loadModule`. * * For handling user context menu commands, look into docs for * `userContextMenu` decorator. */export function messageContextMenu(name?: string): ApplicationCommandDecorator { return function ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, { name: prop, addInitializer, private: _private }: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { if (_private === true) throw new TypeError('Not supported on private methods.')
addInitializer(function () { const handler: ApplicationCommandHandler = { name: name ?? prop.toString(), type: ApplicationCommandType.MESSAGE, handler: original.bind(this) }
if (this instanceof InteractionsClient) { this.handlers.push(handler) } else if (this instanceof ApplicationCommandsModule) { this.commands.push(handler) } else { this.interactions.handlers.push(handler) } }) return original }}
/** * Decorator to create a User Context Menu Command handler. * * Example: * ```ts * class MyClient extends Client { * // ... * * @userContextMenu("Command Name") * commandName(i: ApplicationCommandInteraction) { * // ... * } * } * ``` * * First argument that is `name` is optional and can be * inferred from method name. * * For handling more docs regarding how context menu command * decorators work, look into `messageContextMenu`'s docs. */export function userContextMenu(name?: string): ApplicationCommandDecorator { return function ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, { name: prop, addInitializer, private: _private }: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { if (_private === true) throw new TypeError('Not supported on private methods.')
addInitializer(function () { const handler: ApplicationCommandHandler = { name: name ?? prop.toString(), type: ApplicationCommandType.USER, handler: original.bind(this) }
if (this instanceof InteractionsClient) { this.handlers.push(handler) } else if (this instanceof ApplicationCommandsModule) { this.commands.push(handler) } else { this.interactions.handlers.push(handler) } }) return original }}
/** * Decorator to create a Button message component interaction handler. * * Example: * ```ts * class MyClient extends Client { * // ... * * @messageComponent("custom_id") * buttonHandler(i: MessageComponentInteraction) { * // ... * } * } * ``` * * First argument that is `name` is optional and can be * inferred from method name. */export function messageComponent( customID?: string): MessageComponentDecorator<MessageComponentInteraction> { return function ( original: ComponentInteractionCallback<MessageComponentInteraction>, { name: prop, addInitializer, private: _private }: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { if (_private === true) throw new TypeError('Not supported on private methods.')
addInitializer(function () { const handler: ComponentInteractionHandler<MessageComponentInteraction> = { customID: customID ?? prop.toString(), handler: original.bind(this), type: 'button' }
if (this instanceof InteractionsClient) { this.componentHandlers.push(handler) } else if (this instanceof ApplicationCommandsModule) { this.components.push(handler) } else { this.interactions.componentHandlers.push(handler) } }) return original }}
/** * Decorator to create a Modal submit interaction handler. * * Example: * ```ts * class MyClient extends Client { * // ... * * @modalHandler("custom_id") * modalSubmit(i: ModalSubmitInteraction) { * // ... * } * } * ``` * * First argument that is `name` is optional and can be * inferred from method name. */export function modalHandler( customID?: string): MessageComponentDecorator<ModalSubmitInteraction> { return function ( original: ComponentInteractionCallback<ModalSubmitInteraction>, { name: prop, addInitializer, private: _private }: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { if (_private === true) throw new TypeError('Not supported on private methods.')
addInitializer(function () { const handler: ComponentInteractionHandler<ModalSubmitInteraction> = { customID: customID ?? prop.toString(), handler: original.bind(this), type: 'modal' }
if (this instanceof InteractionsClient) { this.componentHandlers.push(handler) } else if (this instanceof ApplicationCommandsModule) { this.components.push(handler) } else { this.interactions.componentHandlers.push(handler) } }) return original }}
/** * The command can only be called from a guild. * @param action message or function called when the condition is not met * @returns wrapped function */export function isInGuild(message: string): ApplicationCommandDecoratorexport function isInGuild( callback: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): ApplicationCommandDecoratorexport function isInGuild( action: string | ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): ApplicationCommandDecorator { return function ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, _ctx: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { const validation: CommandValidation = { condition: (i: ApplicationCommandInteraction) => { return Boolean(i.guild) }, action } return wrapConditionApplicationCommandHandler(original, validation) }}
/** * The command can only be called if the bot is currently in a voice channel. * `GatewayIntents.GUILD_VOICE_STATES` needs to be set. * @param action message or function called when the condition is not met * @returns wrapped function */export function isBotInVoiceChannel( message: string): ApplicationCommandDecoratorexport function isBotInVoiceChannel( callback: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): ApplicationCommandDecoratorexport function isBotInVoiceChannel( action: string | ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): ApplicationCommandDecorator { return function ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, _ctx: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { const validation: CommandValidation = { condition: async (i: ApplicationCommandInteraction) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions if (!i.client.intents?.includes(GatewayIntents.GUILD_VOICE_STATES)) { const err = '@isBotInVoiceChannel: GatewayIntents.GUILD_VOICE_STATES needs to be set.' console.error(err) throw new Error(err) } return Boolean(await i.guild?.voiceStates.get(i.client.user!.id)) }, action } return wrapConditionApplicationCommandHandler(original, validation) }}
/** * The command can only be called if the user is currently in a voice channel. * `GatewayIntents.GUILD_VOICE_STATES` needs to be set. * @param action message or function called when the condition is not met * @returns wrapped function */export function isUserInVoiceChannel( message: string): ApplicationCommandDecoratorexport function isUserInVoiceChannel( callback: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): ApplicationCommandDecoratorexport function isUserInVoiceChannel( action: string | ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): ApplicationCommandDecorator { return function ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, _ctx: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { const validation: CommandValidation = { condition: async (i: ApplicationCommandInteraction): Promise<boolean> => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions if (!i.client.intents?.includes(GatewayIntents.GUILD_VOICE_STATES)) { const err = '@isUserInVoiceChannel: GatewayIntents.GUILD_VOICE_STATES needs to be set.' console.error(err) throw new Error(err) } return Boolean(await i.guild?.voiceStates.get( }, action } return wrapConditionApplicationCommandHandler(original, validation) }}
/** * Cusomizable command validation. * @param condition condition that need to succede for the command to be called * @param action message or function called when the condition is not met * @returns wrapped function */export function customValidation( condition: CommandValidationCondition, message: string): ApplicationCommandDecoratorexport function customValidation( condition: CommandValidationCondition, callback: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): ApplicationCommandDecoratorexport function customValidation( condition: CommandValidationCondition, action: string | ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): ApplicationCommandDecorator { return function ( original: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, _ctx: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<ApplicationCommandClientExt> ) { return wrapConditionApplicationCommandHandler(original, { condition, action }) }}