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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
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import { Interaction } from './src/structures/interactions.ts'import { ApplicationCommandsManager, InteractionsClient, ApplicationCommandHandler, ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, AutocompleteHandlerCallback} from './src/interactions/mod.ts'import { InteractionResponseType, InteractionType} from './src/types/interactions.ts'import { ApplicationCommandType } from './src/types/applicationCommand.ts'
export interface DeploySlashInitOptions { env?: boolean publicKey?: string token?: string path?: string}
/** Current Slash Client being used to handle commands */let client: InteractionsClient/** Manage Slash Commands right in Deploy */let commands: ApplicationCommandsManager
/** * Initialize Slash Commands Handler for [Deno Deploy]( * Easily create Serverless Slash Commands on the fly. * * **Examples** * * ```ts * init({ * publicKey: "my public key", * token: "my bot's token", // only required if you want to manage slash commands in code * }) * ``` * * ```ts * // takes up `PUBLIC_KEY` and `TOKEN` from ENV * init({ env: true }) * ``` * * @param options Initialization options */export function init(options: { env: boolean; path?: string }): voidexport function init(options: { publicKey: string token?: string path?: string}): voidexport function init(options: DeploySlashInitOptions): void { if (client !== undefined) throw new Error('Already initialized') if (options.env === true) { options.publicKey = Deno.env.get('PUBLIC_KEY') options.token = Deno.env.get('TOKEN') }
if (options.publicKey === undefined) throw new Error('Public Key not provided')
client = new InteractionsClient({ token: options.token, publicKey: options.publicKey })
commands = client.commands
const cb = async (evt: { respondWith: CallableFunction request: Request }): Promise<void> => { if (options.path !== undefined) { if (new URL(evt.request.url).pathname !== options.path) return } try { // we have to wrap because there are some weird scope errors const d = await client.verifyFetchEvent({ respondWith: (...args: unknown[]) => evt.respondWith(...args), request: evt.request }) if (d === false) { await evt.respondWith( new Response('Not Authorized', { status: 400 }) ) return }
if (d.type === InteractionType.PING) { await d.respond({ type: InteractionResponseType.PONG }) client.emit('ping') return }
await client._process(d) } catch (e) { await client.emit('interactionError', e as Error) } }
addEventListener('fetch', cb as unknown as EventListener)}
/** * Register Slash Command handler. * * Example: * * ```ts * handle("ping", (interaction) => { * interaction.reply("Pong!") * }) * ``` * * Also supports Sub Command and Group handling out of the box! * ```ts * handle("command-name group-name sub-command", (i) => { * // ... * }) * * handle("command-name sub-command", (i) => { * // ... * }) * ``` * * @param cmd Command to handle. Either Handler object or command name followed by handler function in next parameter. * @param handler Handler function (required if previous argument was command name) */export function handle( cmd: string, handler: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback): voidexport function handle(cmd: ApplicationCommandHandler): voidexport function handle( cmd: string, handler: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, type: ApplicationCommandType | keyof typeof ApplicationCommandType): voidexport function handle( cmd: string | ApplicationCommandHandler, handler?: ApplicationCommandHandlerCallback, type?: ApplicationCommandType | keyof typeof ApplicationCommandType): void { if (client === undefined) throw new Error('Interaction Client not initialized. Call `init` first')
if ( typeof cmd === 'string' && typeof handler === 'function' && typeof type !== 'undefined' ) { client.handle(cmd, handler, type) } else if (typeof cmd === 'string' && typeof handler === 'function') { client.handle(cmd, handler) } else if (typeof cmd === 'object') { client.handle(cmd) } else throw new Error('Invalid overload for `handle` function')}
export function autocomplete( cmd: string, option: string, callback: AutocompleteHandlerCallback): void { client.autocomplete(cmd, option, callback)}
/** Listen for Interactions Event */export function interactions( cb: (i: Interaction) => unknown | Promise<unknown>): void { client.on('interaction', cb)}
export { commands, client }export * from './src/types/applicationCommand.ts'export * from './src/types/interactions.ts'export * from './src/structures/applicationCommand.ts'export * from './src/interactions/mod.ts'export * from './src/types/channel.ts'export * from './src/structures/interactions.ts'export * from './src/structures/message.ts'export * from './src/structures/embed.ts'export * from './src/types/messageComponents.ts'