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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
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import { unzlib } from '../../deps.ts'import type { Client } from '../client/mod.ts'import { GatewayResponse } from '../types/gatewayResponse.ts'import { GatewayOpcodes, GatewayCloseCodes, IdentityPayload, StatusUpdatePayload, GatewayEvents} from '../types/gateway.ts'import { gatewayHandlers } from './handlers/mod.ts'import { GatewayCache } from '../managers/gatewayCache.ts'import { delay } from '../utils/delay.ts'import type { VoiceChannel } from '../structures/guildVoiceChannel.ts'import type { Guild } from '../structures/guild.ts'import { HarmonyEventEmitter } from '../utils/events.ts'import { decodeText } from '../utils/encoding.ts'import { Constants } from '../types/constants.ts'
export interface RequestMembersOptions { limit?: number presences?: boolean query?: string users?: string[]}
export interface VoiceStateOptions { mute?: boolean deaf?: boolean}
export const RECONNECT_CODE = 3999export const DESTROY_REASON = 'harmony-destroy'
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitionsexport type GatewayTypedEvents = { [name in GatewayEvents]: [unknown]} & { connect: [] ping: [number] resume: [] reconnectRequired: [] close: [number, string] error: [Error, ErrorEvent] sentIdentify: [] sentResume: [] reconnecting: [] guildsLoaded: [] init: [] hello: []}
/** * Handles Discord Gateway connection. * * You should not use this and rather use Client class. */export class Gateway extends HarmonyEventEmitter<GatewayTypedEvents> { websocket?: WebSocket connected = false initialized = false heartbeatInterval = 0 heartbeatIntervalID?: number sequenceID?: number lastPingTimestamp = 0 sessionID?: string private heartbeatServerResponded = false client!: Client cache: GatewayCache shards?: number[] ping: number = 0
_readyReceived: Promise<void> _resolveReadyReceived?: () => void _guildsToBeLoaded?: number _guildsLoaded?: number _guildLoadTimeout?: number
get shardID(): number { return this.shards?.[0] ?? 0 }
constructor(client: Client, shards?: number[]) { super() Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client, enumerable: false }) this.cache = new GatewayCache(client) this.shards = shards this._readyReceived = new Promise((resolve) => { this._resolveReadyReceived = () => { this.debug('Resolving READY') this._resolveReadyReceived = undefined resolve() } }) }
private onopen(): void { this.connected = true this.debug('Connected to Gateway!') this.emit('connect') }
private async onmessage(event: MessageEvent): Promise<void> { let data = if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { data = new Uint8Array(data) } if (data instanceof Uint8Array) { data = unzlib(data, 0, (e: Uint8Array) => decodeText(e)) }
const { op, d, s, t }: GatewayResponse = JSON.parse(data)
switch (op) { case GatewayOpcodes.HELLO: this.heartbeatInterval = d.heartbeat_interval this.debug( `Received HELLO. Heartbeat Interval: ${this.heartbeatInterval}` )
this.sendHeartbeat() this.heartbeatIntervalID = setInterval(() => { this.heartbeat() }, this.heartbeatInterval)
this.emit('hello') if (!this.initialized) { this.initialized = true this.enqueueIdentify(this.client.forceNewSession) } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.sendResume() } break
case GatewayOpcodes.HEARTBEAT_ACK: this.heartbeatServerResponded = true = - this.lastPingTimestamp this.emit('ping', this.debug(`Received Heartbeat Ack. Ping Recognized: ${}ms`) break
case GatewayOpcodes.INVALID_SESSION: // Because we know this gonna be bool this.debug( `Invalid Session received! Resumeable? ${d === true ? 'Yes' : 'No'}` ) if (d !== true) { this.debug(`Session was invalidated, deleting from cache`) await this.cache.delete(`session_id_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}`) await this.cache.delete(`seq_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}`) this.sessionID = undefined this.sequenceID = undefined } this.enqueueIdentify(!(d as boolean)) break
case GatewayOpcodes.DISPATCH: { this.heartbeatServerResponded = true if (s !== null) { this.sequenceID = s await this.cache.set(`seq_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}`, s) } if (t !== null && t !== undefined) { this.emit(t as keyof GatewayTypedEvents, d) this.client.emit('raw', t, d, this.shardID)
const handler = gatewayHandlers[t]
if (handler !== undefined && d !== null) { try { await handler(this, d) } catch (e) { this.client.emit('error', e as Error) } } } break } case GatewayOpcodes.RESUME: { // this.token = d.token this.sessionID = d.session_id this.sequenceID = d.seq await this.cache.set(`seq_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}`, d.seq) await this.cache.set( `session_id_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}`, this.sessionID ) this.emit('resume') break } case GatewayOpcodes.RECONNECT: { this.emit('reconnectRequired') this.debug(`Received OpCode RECONNECT`) await this.reconnect(true) break } default: break } }
_checkGuildsLoaded(timeout = true): void { if ( this._guildsLoaded !== undefined && this._guildsToBeLoaded !== undefined ) { if (this._guildLoadTimeout !== undefined) { clearTimeout(this._guildLoadTimeout) this._guildLoadTimeout = undefined } if (this._guildsLoaded >= this._guildsToBeLoaded) { this.debug('Guilds arrived!') this.emit('guildsLoaded') this._guildsLoaded = undefined this._guildsToBeLoaded = undefined } else if (timeout) { this._guildLoadTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this._guildLoadTimeout = undefined this.debug( `Guild Load Timout, ${ this._guildsToBeLoaded! - this._guildsLoaded! } guilds unavailable` ) this.emit('guildsLoaded') this._guildsLoaded = undefined this._guildsToBeLoaded = undefined }, 15000) } } }
private async onclose({ reason, code }: CloseEvent): Promise<void> { // Likely an async close event from previous websocket object // after we reconnect. if (!this.connected) return
this.connected = false if (this.destroyed) return if (this.#destroyCalled) { this.#destroyComplete = true this.debug(`Shard destroyed`) return }
this.emit('close', code, reason) this.debug(`Connection Closed with code: ${code} ${reason}`)
switch (code) { case RECONNECT_CODE: return case GatewayCloseCodes.UNKNOWN_ERROR: this.debug('API has encountered Unknown Error. Reconnecting...') await this.reconnect() break case GatewayCloseCodes.UNKNOWN_OPCODE: throw new Error( "Invalid OP Code or Payload was sent. This shouldn't happen!" ) case GatewayCloseCodes.DECODE_ERROR: throw new Error("Invalid Payload was sent. This shouldn't happen!") case GatewayCloseCodes.NOT_AUTHENTICATED: throw new Error('Not Authorized: Payload was sent before Identifying.') case GatewayCloseCodes.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED: throw new Error('Invalid Token provided!') case GatewayCloseCodes.INVALID_SEQ: this.debug('Invalid Seq was sent. Reconnecting.') await this.reconnect() break case GatewayCloseCodes.RATE_LIMITED: throw new Error("You're ratelimited. Calm down.") case GatewayCloseCodes.SESSION_TIMED_OUT: this.debug('Session Timeout. Reconnecting.') await this.reconnect(true) break case GatewayCloseCodes.INVALID_SHARD: this.debug('Invalid Shard was sent. Reconnecting.') await this.reconnect() break case GatewayCloseCodes.SHARDING_REQUIRED: throw new Error("Couldn't connect. Sharding is required!") case GatewayCloseCodes.INVALID_API_VERSION: throw new Error("Invalid API Version was used. This shouldn't happen!") case GatewayCloseCodes.INVALID_INTENTS: throw new Error('Invalid Intents') case GatewayCloseCodes.DISALLOWED_INTENTS: throw new Error("Given Intents aren't allowed") default: this.debug( 'Unknown Close code, probably connection error. Reconnecting in 5s.' )
await delay(5000) await this.reconnect(true) break } }
private async onerror(event: ErrorEvent): Promise<void> { const error = new Error( Deno.inspect({ message: event.message, error: event.error, type: event.type, target: }) ) = 'ErrorEvent' // Do not log errors by default // console.error(error) this.emit('error', error, event) this.client.emit('gatewayError', event, this.shards) }
private enqueueIdentify(forceNew?: boolean): void { this.client.shards.enqueueIdentify( async () => await this.sendIdentify(forceNew).then(() => this.waitFor(GatewayEvents.Ready) ) ) }
private async sendIdentify(forceNewSession?: boolean): Promise<void> { if (typeof this.client.token !== 'string') throw new Error('Token not specified') if (typeof this.client.intents !== 'object') throw new Error('Intents not specified')
if (forceNewSession === undefined || !forceNewSession) { const sessionIDCached = await this.cache.get( `session_id_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}` ) if (typeof sessionIDCached === 'string') { this.debug(`Found Cached SessionID: ${sessionIDCached}`) this.sessionID = sessionIDCached return await this.sendResume() } }
const payload: IdentityPayload = { token: this.client.token, properties: { $os: this.client.clientProperties.os ??, $browser: this.client.clientProperties.browser ?? 'harmony', $device: this.client.clientProperties.device ?? 'harmony' }, compress: this.client.compress, shard: this.shards === undefined ? [0, 1] : [this.shards[0] ?? 0, this.shards[1] ?? 1], intents: this.client.intents.reduce( (previous, current) => previous | current, 0 ), presence: this.client.presence.create() }
this.debug('Sending Identify payload...') this.emit('sentIdentify') this.send({ op: GatewayOpcodes.IDENTIFY, d: payload }) }
private async sendResume(): Promise<void> { if (typeof this.client.token !== 'string') throw new Error('Token not specified')
if (this.sessionID === undefined) { this.sessionID = await this.cache.get( `session_id_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}` ) if (this.sessionID === undefined) return this.enqueueIdentify() } this.debug(`Preparing to resume with Session: ${this.sessionID}`) if (this.sequenceID === undefined) { const cached = await this.cache.get( `seq_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}` ) if (cached !== undefined) this.sequenceID = typeof cached === 'string' ? parseInt(cached) : (cached as number) } const resumePayload = { op: GatewayOpcodes.RESUME, d: { token: this.client.token, session_id: this.sessionID, seq: this.sequenceID ?? null } } this.emit('sentResume') this.debug('Sending Resume payload...') this.send(resumePayload) }
requestMembers(guild: string, options: RequestMembersOptions = {}): string { if (options.query !== undefined && options.limit === undefined) throw new Error( 'Missing limit property when specifying query for Requesting Members!' ) const nonce = crypto.randomUUID() this.send({ op: GatewayOpcodes.REQUEST_GUILD_MEMBERS, d: { guild_id: guild, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions query: options.users?.length ? undefined : options.query ?? '', limit: options.limit ?? 0, presences: options.presences, user_ids: options.users, nonce } }) return nonce }
updateVoiceState( guild: Guild | string, channel?: VoiceChannel | string, voiceOptions: VoiceStateOptions = {} ): void { this.send({ op: GatewayOpcodes.VOICE_STATE_UPDATE, d: { guild_id: typeof guild === 'string' ? guild :, channel_id: channel === undefined ? null : typeof channel === 'string' ? channel : channel?.id, self_mute: channel === undefined ? false : voiceOptions.mute === undefined ? false : voiceOptions.mute, self_deaf: channel === undefined ? false : voiceOptions.deaf === undefined ? false : voiceOptions.deaf } }) }
debug(msg: string): void { this.client.debug(`Shard ${this.shardID}`, msg) }
async reconnect(forceNew?: boolean): Promise<void> { if (this.#destroyCalled) return
this.emit('reconnecting') this.debug('Reconnecting... (force new: ' + String(forceNew) + ')')
clearInterval(this.heartbeatIntervalID) if (forceNew === true) { await this.cache.delete(`session_id_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}`) await this.cache.delete(`seq_${this.shards?.join('-') ?? '0'}`) }
this.closeGateway(3999) this.initWebsocket() }
initWebsocket(): void { if (this.#destroyCalled) return
this.emit('init') this.debug('Initializing WebSocket...') this.websocket = new WebSocket( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions `${Constants.DISCORD_GATEWAY_URL}/?v=${Constants.DISCORD_API_VERSION}&encoding=json`, [] ) this.websocket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer' this.websocket.onopen = this.onopen.bind(this) this.websocket.onmessage = this.onmessage.bind(this) this.websocket.onclose = this.onclose.bind(this) this.websocket.onerror = this.onerror.bind( this ) as unknown as WebSocket['onerror'] }
closeGateway(code: number = 1000, reason?: string): void { this.debug( `Closing with code ${code}${ reason !== undefined && reason !== '' ? ` and reason ${reason}` : '' }` ) return this.websocket?.close(code, reason) }
// Alias for backward compat, since event@2.0.0 removed close again... close(code?: number, reason?: string): void { this.closeGateway(code, reason) }
#destroyCalled = false #destroyComplete = false
get destroyed(): boolean { return this.#destroyCalled && this.#destroyComplete }
destroy(): void { this.debug('Destroying Shard') this.#destroyCalled = true
if (this.heartbeatIntervalID !== undefined) { clearInterval(this.heartbeatIntervalID) this.heartbeatIntervalID = undefined } this.closeGateway(1000, DESTROY_REASON) }
send(data: GatewayResponse): boolean { if (this.websocket?.readyState !== this.websocket?.OPEN) return false const packet = JSON.stringify({ op: data.op, d: data.d, s: typeof data.s === 'number' ? data.s : null, t: data.t === undefined ? null : data.t }) this.websocket?.send(packet) return true }
sendPresence(data: StatusUpdatePayload): void { this.send({ op: GatewayOpcodes.PRESENCE_UPDATE, d: data }) }
sendHeartbeat(): void { const payload = { op: GatewayOpcodes.HEARTBEAT, d: this.sequenceID ?? null }
this.send(payload) this.lastPingTimestamp = }
heartbeat(): void { if (this.destroyed) return
if (this.heartbeatServerResponded) { this.heartbeatServerResponded = false } else { this.debug('Found dead connection, reconnecting...') clearInterval(this.heartbeatIntervalID) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.reconnect(false) return }
this.sendHeartbeat() }}
// There's a lot of not assignable errors and all when using unknown,// so I'll stick with any here.export type GatewayEventHandler = (gateway: Gateway, d: any) => void