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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
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import { CommandClient, event, Intents, command, CommandContext, Extension, CommandBuilder} from '../mod.ts'import { TOKEN } from './config.ts'
class MyClient extends CommandClient { constructor() { super({ // /^!+/ is a regular expression that matches any amount of exclamation marks prefix: ['!', '!!', /!+/], caseSensitive: false }) }
@event() ready(): void { console.log(`Logged in as ${this.user?.tag}!`) }
@command({ aliases: 'pong' }) Ping(ctx: CommandContext): void { ctx.message.reply('Pong!') }}
class VCExtension extends Extension { name = 'VC' subPrefix = 'vc'
@command() async join(ctx: CommandContext): Promise<void> { const userVS = await ctx.guild?.voiceStates.get( if (userVS === undefined) { ctx.message.reply("You're not in VC.") return } await ctx.message.reply(`Joined VC channel - ${}!`) }
@command() async leave(ctx: CommandContext): Promise<void> { const userVS = await ctx.guild?.voiceStates.get( ctx.client.user?.id as unknown as string ) if (userVS === undefined) { ctx.message.reply("I'm not in VC.") return } ctx.message.reply(`Left VC channel - ${}!`) }}
const client = new MyClient()
client.commands.add( new CommandBuilder() .setName('join') .onExecute((ctx) => ctx.message.reply('haha')))
client.connect(TOKEN, Intents.All)