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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
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import { Client } from '../mod.ts'import { TOKEN } from './config.ts'
const client = new Client({ token: TOKEN, intents: ['GUILDS']})
client.interactions.handle('modal', (i) => { return i.showModal({ title: 'Test Modal', customID: 'test_modal', components: [ { type: 'ACTION_ROW', components: [ { type: 'TEXT_INPUT', customID: 'text_input_short', label: 'Short text', style: 'SHORT', placeholder: 'Enter something short' } ] }, { type: 'ACTION_ROW', components: [ { type: 'TEXT_INPUT', customID: 'text_input_para', label: 'Paragraph input', style: 'PARAGRAPH', placeholder: 'Enter a thicc story' } ] } ] })})
client.on('interactionCreate', (i) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions if (i.isModalSubmit()) { return i.reply( `Short text: ${ i.getComponent('text_input_short')!.value }\nParagraph input: ${i.getComponent('text_input_para')!.value}` ) }})
if (Deno.args.includes('sync') === true) { await client.interactions.commands.bulkEdit( [ { name: 'modal', description: 'Opens test modal.' } ], '783319033205751809' ) console.log('Synced commands!')}
client.interactions.on('interactionError', console.error)
await client.connect()console.log('Connected!')