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An easy to use Discord API Library for Deno.
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import { Client, Intents, event } from '../mod.ts'import { SlashBuilder, SlashOption } from '../src/interactions/slashCommand.ts'import { TOKEN, GUILD } from './config.ts'
export class MyClient extends Client { @event() ready(): void { console.log(`Logged in as ${this.user?.tag}!`) this.slash.commands.bulkEdit( [ new SlashBuilder('test') .description('Test command made with builder.') .option( SlashOption.subCommandGroup({ name: 'group', description: 'Group description.', options: [ SlashOption.subCommand({ name: 'sub', description: 'Subcommand description.', options: [ SlashOption.bool({ name: 'bool' }),{ name: 'channel' }), SlashOption.number({ name: 'number' }), SlashOption.role({ name: 'role' }), SlashOption.string({ name: 'string' }), SlashOption.user({ name: 'user' }) ] }) ] }) ) .export() ], GUILD ) this.slash.commands.bulkEdit([]) }}
const client = new MyClient({ presence: { status: 'dnd', activity: { name: 'Slash Commands', type: 'LISTENING' } }})
client.connect(TOKEN, Intents.None)