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Helix is a simple wrapper for NPM commands written in Deno

🐚 Helix

Helix is a non-ambitious wrappers for npm commands! Run your favorite npm commands directly from your Deno app!

⚡ Quickstart

Simply import mod.ts and call the wrapper functions:

  • isNpmInstalled: Checks if NPM is installed and available, returns a boolean.
  • restoreNpmPackages: Attempts to run npm install within a directory, returns a boolean.
  • runNpmScript: Attempts to run npm run for a script and within a directory, returns a boolean.
  • runNpmCommand: Attempts to run npm <command> within a directory, returns a boolean.
  • runGenericNpmCommand: Attempts to run a npm <command> created as a Object inheriting the NpmCommand class.

📌 Sample

The following snippet runs the following, using this Module:

  1. Check if NPM is installed
    1. IF True then
    2. Attempts to restore dependencies (npm install)
    3. Checks for fundraisers (npm fund)
    4. Attempts to run a build script (npm run build)
if (await isNpmInstalled()) {
 await restoreNpmPackages('./subject/');
 await runNpmCommand(['fund'], './subject/');
 await runNpmScript('build', './subject/')

🛣 Roadmap

  • Windows Wrappers
    • Module (tested on Win10 2004)
    • Automated Tests
  • Linux Wrappers
    • Module (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 running within WSL2)
    • Automated Tests
  • CLI
  • Mac Tests
    • Module
    • Automated Tests
  • Improve Logging
  • Allow extensibility