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Keep Heroku apps awake in Deno
import * as logger from "";import dayjs from "";import isBetween from "";import customParseFormat from "";
interface StopTimes { start: string; end: string;}export interface Options { interval?: number; logging?: boolean; stopTimes?: StopTimes;}
function isStopTime(stopTimes: StopTimes): boolean { const { start, end } = stopTimes; const format = 'HH:mm';
if (!start || !end) { logger.warning('Both a start/end stop time must be defined.'); return true; }
const current = dayjs(); const startTime = dayjs(start, format); const endTime = dayjs(end, format);
return current.isBetween(startTime, endTime);};
/** * Ping the URL of an Heroku application periodically * @param {string} url - Heroku application url * @param {Options} options - options object. */export function wakeDyno(url: string, options: Options = {}) { const { interval = 29, logging = true, stopTimes } = options; const milliseconds = interval * 60000;
setTimeout(() => { if (stopTimes && isStopTime(stopTimes)) { wakeDyno(url, options); } else { fetch(url) .then(() => logging &&'Successfully woke the dyno')) .catch((error: Error) => logging && logger.error(`Attempting to wake the dyno : ${error.message}`)) .finally(() => wakeDyno(url, options)); } }, milliseconds);}
/** * Ping multiple Heroku application URLs periodically * @param {string[]} urls - Heroku application urls * @param {Options} options - options object. */export function wakeDynos(urls: string[], options: Options) { const { interval = 29, logging = true, stopTimes } = options; const milliseconds = interval * 60000;
setTimeout(() => { if (stopTimes && isStopTime(stopTimes)) { wakeDynos(urls, options); } else { const promises = => fetch(url)); Promise.all(promises) .then(() => logging &&'Successfully woke all dynos')) .catch((error: Error) => logging && logger.error(`Attempting to wake the dyno : ${error.message}`)) .finally(() => wakeDynos(urls, options)); } }, milliseconds);};