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type alias oak.ErrorStatus
import { type oak } from "";
const { ErrorStatus } = oak;

A HTTP status that is an error (4XX and 5XX).

| Status.BadRequest
| Status.Unauthorized
| Status.PaymentRequired
| Status.Forbidden
| Status.NotFound
| Status.MethodNotAllowed
| Status.NotAcceptable
| Status.ProxyAuthRequired
| Status.RequestTimeout
| Status.Conflict
| Status.Gone
| Status.LengthRequired
| Status.PreconditionFailed
| Status.RequestEntityTooLarge
| Status.RequestURITooLong
| Status.UnsupportedMediaType
| Status.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
| Status.ExpectationFailed
| Status.Teapot
| Status.MisdirectedRequest
| Status.UnprocessableEntity
| Status.Locked
| Status.FailedDependency
| Status.UpgradeRequired
| Status.PreconditionRequired
| Status.TooManyRequests
| Status.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
| Status.UnavailableForLegalReasons
| Status.InternalServerError
| Status.NotImplemented
| Status.BadGateway
| Status.ServiceUnavailable
| Status.GatewayTimeout
| Status.HTTPVersionNotSupported
| Status.VariantAlsoNegotiates
| Status.InsufficientStorage
| Status.LoopDetected
| Status.NotExtended
| Status.NetworkAuthenticationRequired