import { UserManager } from "";
version: APIVersionsAPI Version
createDM(options: CreateDMOptions): Promise<Channel>
Create a DM channel with another user
createGroupDM(options: CreateGroupDMOptions): Promise<Channel>
It creates a group DM channel with the users specified in the access_tokens
getCurrentUser(): Promise<User>
Get current user
getCurrentUserGuildMember(guildID: string): Promise<GuildMember>
Get the current user's guild member object
getCurrentUserGuilds(options: GetCurrentUserGuildsOptions): Promise<Guild[]>
Get the current user's guilds
It makes a GET request to the Discord API to get the user with the given ID
getUserConnections(): Promise<Connection>
It gets the current user's connections
leaveGuild(guildID: string): Promise<void>
It leaves a guild.
modifyCurrentUser(options: ModifyUserOptions): Promise<User>
It modifies the current user's data