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Ultrafast web framework for the Edge
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import { HTTPException } from '../../http-exception.ts'import type { MiddlewareHandler } from '../../types.ts'import { timingSafeEqual } from '../../utils/buffer.ts'
const TOKEN_STRINGS = '[A-Za-z0-9._~+/-]+=*'const PREFIX = 'Bearer'
export const bearerAuth = (options: { token: string realm?: string prefix?: string hashFunction?: Function}): MiddlewareHandler => { if (!options.token) { throw new Error('bearer auth middleware requires options for "token"') } if (!options.realm) { options.realm = '' } if (!options.prefix) { options.prefix = PREFIX }
const realm = options.realm?.replace(/"/g, '\\"')
return async (c, next) => { const headerToken = c.req.headers.get('Authorization')
if (!headerToken) { // No Authorization header const res = new Response('Unauthorized', { status: 401, headers: { 'WWW-Authenticate': `${options.prefix} realm="` + realm + '"', }, }) throw new HTTPException(401, { res }) } else { const regexp = new RegExp('^' + options.prefix + ' +(' + TOKEN_STRINGS + ') *$') const match = regexp.exec(headerToken) if (!match) { // Invalid Request const res = new Response('Bad Request', { status: 400, headers: { 'WWW-Authenticate': `${options.prefix} error="invalid_request"`, }, }) throw new HTTPException(400, { res }) } else { const equal = await timingSafeEqual(options.token, match[1], options.hashFunction) if (!equal) { // Invalid Token const res = new Response('Unauthorized', { status: 401, headers: { 'WWW-Authenticate': `${options.prefix} error="invalid_token"`, }, }) throw new HTTPException(401, { res }) } } } await next() }}