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import type { Context } from '../../context.ts'import { HTTPException } from '../../http-exception.ts'import type { MiddlewareHandler } from '../../types.ts'
const ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Payload Too Large'
type OnError = (c: Context) => Response | Promise<Response>type BodyLimitOptions = { maxSize: number onError?: OnError}
class BodyLimitError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message) = 'BodyLimitError' }}
/** * Body Limit Middleware * * @example * ```ts * * '/hello', * bodyLimit({ * maxSize: 100 * 1024, // 100kb * onError: (c) => { * return c.text('overflow :(', 413) * } * }), * (c) => { * return c.text('pass :)') * } * ) * ``` */export const bodyLimit = (options: BodyLimitOptions): MiddlewareHandler => { const onError: OnError = options.onError || (() => { const res = new Response(ERROR_MESSAGE, { status: 413, }) throw new HTTPException(413, { res }) }) const maxSize = options.maxSize
return async function bodyLimit(c, next) { if (!c.req.raw.body) { // maybe GET or HEAD request return next() }
if (c.req.raw.headers.has('content-length')) { // we can trust content-length header because it's already validated by server const contentLength = parseInt(c.req.raw.headers.get('content-length') || '0', 10) return contentLength > maxSize ? onError(c) : next() }
// maybe chunked transfer encoding
let size = 0 const rawReader = c.req.raw.body.getReader() const reader = new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { try { for (;;) { const { done, value } = await if (done) { break } size += value.length if (size > maxSize) { controller.error(new BodyLimitError(ERROR_MESSAGE)) break }
controller.enqueue(value) } } finally { controller.close() } }, })
c.req.raw = new Request(c.req.raw, { body: reader })
await next()
if (c.error instanceof BodyLimitError) { c.res = await onError(c) } }}