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import type { Context } from '../../context.ts'import { getCookie } from '../../helper/cookie/index.ts'import { HTTPException } from '../../http-exception.ts'import type { MiddlewareHandler } from '../../types.ts'import { Jwt } from '../../utils/jwt/index.ts'import '../../context.ts'import type { SignatureAlgorithm } from '../../utils/jwt/jwa.ts'
declare module '../../context.ts' { interface ContextVariableMap { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any jwtPayload: any }}
export const jwt = (options: { secret: string cookie?: string alg?: SignatureAlgorithm}): MiddlewareHandler => { if (!options) { throw new Error('JWT auth middleware requires options for "secret') }
if (!crypto.subtle || !crypto.subtle.importKey) { throw new Error('`crypto.subtle.importKey` is undefined. JWT auth middleware requires it.') }
return async function jwt(ctx, next) { const credentials = ctx.req.raw.headers.get('Authorization') let token if (credentials) { const parts = credentials.split(/\s+/) if (parts.length !== 2) { const errDescription = 'invalid credentials structure' throw new HTTPException(401, { message: errDescription, res: unauthorizedResponse({ ctx, error: 'invalid_request', errDescription, }), }) } else { token = parts[1] } } else if (options.cookie) { token = getCookie(ctx)[options.cookie] }
if (!token) { const errDescription = 'no authorization included in request' throw new HTTPException(401, { message: errDescription, res: unauthorizedResponse({ ctx, error: 'invalid_request', errDescription, }), }) }
let payload let cause try { payload = await Jwt.verify(token, options.secret, options.alg) } catch (e) { cause = e } if (!payload) { throw new HTTPException(401, { message: 'Unauthorized', res: unauthorizedResponse({ ctx, error: 'invalid_token', statusText: 'Unauthorized', errDescription: 'token verification failure', }), cause, }) }
ctx.set('jwtPayload', payload)
await next() }}
function unauthorizedResponse(opts: { ctx: Context error: string errDescription: string statusText?: string}) { return new Response('Unauthorized', { status: 401, statusText: opts.statusText, headers: { 'WWW-Authenticate': `Bearer realm="${opts.ctx.req.url}",error="${opts.error}",error_description="${opts.errDescription}"`, }, })}
export const verify = Jwt.verifyexport const decode = Jwt.decodeexport const sign = Jwt.sign