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๐Ÿ—œ๏ธ Deno HTTP compression middleware
import { readAll } from ''import { compress as brotli } from ''import { Foras } from ''import { Accepts } from ''
await Foras.initBundledOnce()
const funcs = { br: brotli, gzip: (body: Uint8Array) => Foras.gzip(body, undefined), deflate: (body: Uint8Array) => Foras.deflate(body, undefined),}
/** * Supported compression algorithms */type Compression = 'gzip' | 'br' | 'deflate'
export type CompressionOptions = Partial<{ /** * Path to file */ path: string
/** * Body as a byte array (as returned from Deno.readFile methods) */ bodyBinary: Uint8Array
/** * Body as a string (as returned from Deno.readTextFile) */ bodyText: string}>
/** * HTTP Compression middleware. * @param {CompressionOptions} opts * * @example * ```tsimport { compression } from ''import { Server } from ''
new Server({ handler: async (req) => { return await compression({ path, compression: ['br', 'gzip', 'deflate'] })(req) }, port: 3000}).listenAndServe() * ``` */export const compression = (opts: CompressionOptions) => async (req: Request): Promise<Response> => { const acceptHeader = req.headers.get('Accept-Encoding')
const accepts = new Accepts(req.headers)
const encodings = accepts.encodings()
let buf: Uint8Array if (opts.bodyBinary) { buf = opts.bodyBinary } else if (opts.bodyText) { const encoder = new TextEncoder() buf = encoder.encode(opts.bodyText) } else if (opts.path) { const file = await buf = await readAll(file) file.close() } else { throw Error('Must specify either bodyBinary, bodyText, or path.') }
if ( !acceptHeader || acceptHeader === 'identity' || (Array.isArray(encodings) && encodings[0] === 'identity') ) { return new Response(buf, { status: 200, headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Encoding': 'identity', }), }) } else if (acceptHeader === '*') { const compressed = funcs.gzip(buf)
return new Response(compressed, { headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip', }), }) } else { if (Array.isArray(encodings)) { let compressed: Uint8Array = buf const encs: string[] = []
for (let enc of encodings.filter((x) => x !== 'identity')) { if (enc === 'brotli') enc = 'br'
if (Object.keys(funcs).includes(enc as string)) { compressed = funcs[enc as Compression](compressed) encs.push(enc) } }
return new Response(compressed, { headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Encoding': encs.join(', '), }), }) } else { return Object.keys(funcs).includes(encodings as string) ? new Response(funcs[encodings as Compression](buf), { headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Encoding': encodings as string, }), }) : new Response('Not Acceptable', { status: 406, }) } } }