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An error class for HTTP requests.
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import { Status, STATUS_TEXT } from "./deps.ts";
/** Options for initializing an HttpError. */export interface HttpErrorOptions extends ErrorOptions { /** The name of the error. Default based on error status. */ name?: string; message?: string; /** The HTTP status associated with the error. Defaults to 500. */ status?: number; /** * Determines if the error should be exposed in the response. * Defaults to true for client error statuses and false for server error statuses. */ expose?: boolean; /** * Other data associated with the error. */ [key: string]: unknown;}
/** * Converts HttpError arguments to an options object. * Prioritizing status and message arguments over status and message options. */export function optionsFromArgs< Init extends HttpErrorOptions = HttpErrorOptions,>( statusOrMessageOrOptions?: number | string | Init, messageOrOptions?: string | Init, options?: Init,): Init { let status: number | undefined = undefined; let message: string | undefined = undefined; let init: Init | undefined = options;
if (typeof statusOrMessageOrOptions === "number") { status = statusOrMessageOrOptions; if (typeof messageOrOptions === "string") { message = messageOrOptions; } else if (messageOrOptions) { init = messageOrOptions; message = init?.message; } } else if (typeof statusOrMessageOrOptions === "string") { message = statusOrMessageOrOptions; init = messageOrOptions as (Init | undefined); status = init?.status ?? status; } else if (typeof messageOrOptions === "string") { message = messageOrOptions; } else if (!init) { init = messageOrOptions ? messageOrOptions : statusOrMessageOrOptions; status = init?.status ?? status; message = init?.message; }
return { ...init, status, message } as Init;}
function errorNameForStatus(status: number): string { let name: string; if (STATUS_TEXT[status as Status]) { name = status === Status.Teapot ? "Teapot" : STATUS_TEXT[status as Status]!.replace(/\W/g, ""); if (status !== Status.InternalServerError) name += "Error"; } else { name = `Unknown${status < 500 ? "Client" : "Server"}Error`; } return name;}
/** An error for an HTTP request. */export class HttpError< T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,> extends Error { /** * The HTTP status associated with the error. * Must be a client or server error status. Defaults to 500. */ status: number; /** * Determines if the error should be exposed in the response. * Defaults to true for client error statuses and false for server error statuses. */ expose: boolean; /** * Other data associated with the error. */ data: T;
constructor( status?: number, message?: string, options?: HttpErrorOptions & T, ); constructor(status?: number, options?: HttpErrorOptions & T); constructor(message?: string, options?: HttpErrorOptions & T); constructor(options?: HttpErrorOptions & T); constructor( statusOrMessageOrOptions?: number | string | (HttpErrorOptions & T), messageOrOptions?: string | (HttpErrorOptions & T), options?: HttpErrorOptions & T, ) { const init = optionsFromArgs( statusOrMessageOrOptions, messageOrOptions, options, ); const { message, name, expose, status: _status, cause, } = init; const status = init.status ?? Status.InternalServerError;
if (status < 400 || status >= 600) { throw new RangeError("invalid error status"); }
const errorOptions = {} as ErrorOptions; if (typeof cause !== "undefined") errorOptions.cause = cause; super(message, errorOptions);
Object.defineProperty(this, "name", { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: name ?? errorNameForStatus(status), writable: true, }); this.status = status; this.expose = expose ?? (status < 500); = data as T; }
/** * Converts any HttpError like objects into an HttpError. * If the object is already an instance of HttpError, it will be returned as is. */ static from<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>>( error: HttpError<T> | Error | unknown, ): HttpError<T> { if (error instanceof HttpError) { return error; } else if (isHttpError(error)) { const { name, message, status, expose, cause, data } = error; const options = { ...(data), name, message, status, expose, cause, } as HttpErrorOptions & T; return new HttpError<T>(options); } else { return new HttpError(500, { cause: error }) as unknown as HttpError<T>; } }
/** * Converts an HttpError to an options object that can be used to re-create it. * The message will only be included if the error should be exposed. * * ```ts * const error = new HttpError(400, "Invalid id"); * const options = HttpError.json(error); * const copy = new HttpError(options); * ``` */ static json<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>>( error: HttpError<T> | Error | unknown, ): HttpErrorOptions & T { const { name, message, status, expose, data } = isHttpError(error) ? error : HttpError.from(error); const json = { name, status,, } as (HttpErrorOptions & T); if (expose && message) { json.message = message; } return json; }}
/** Checks if the value as an HttpError. */export function isHttpError(value: unknown): value is HttpError { return !!value && typeof value === "object" && (value instanceof HttpError || (value instanceof Error && typeof (value as HttpError).status === "number"));}