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With thorough IntelliSense support & 100% test coverage, this is an unopinionated async/await API wrapper for Hypixel's Public API. It is developed in TypeScript complete with documentation, typed interfaces for all API responses (and an OpenAPI 3.0 schema!), built-in rate-limit handling, flexible cache support, helper functions, and support for undocumented endpoints.
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# <type>(<scope>): <subject># <BLANK LINE># <body># <BLANK LINE># <footer># # Please note that:# - The HEADER is a single line of max. 50 characters that # contains a succinct description of the change. It contains a # type, an optional scope, and a subject# + <type> describes the kind of change that this commit is # providing. Allowed types are:# * feat (feature)# * fix (bug fix)# * docs (documentation)# * style (formatting, missing semicolons, …)# * refactor# * test (when adding missing tests)# * chore (maintain)# + <scope> can be anything specifying the place of the commit # change# + <subject> is a very short description of the change, in # the following format:# * imperative, present tense: “change” not # “changed”/“changes”# * no capitalised first letter# * no dot (.) at the end# - The BODY should include the motivation for the change and # contrast this with previous behavior and must be phrased in # imperative present tense # - The FOOTER should contain any information about Breaking # Changes and is also the place to reference GitHub issues that # this commit closes