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// Copyright Dirk Lemstra Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.import { ImageMagick } from "./image-magick.ts";import { GeometryFlags } from "./internal/geometry-flags.ts";import { MagickError } from "./magick-error.ts";import { _withString } from "./internal/native/string.ts";
export class MagickGeometry { private _width = 0; private _height = 0; private _x = 0; private _y = 0; private _aspectRatio = false; private _fillArea = false; private _greater = false; private _isPercentage = false; private _ignoreAspectRatio = false; private _less = false; private _limitPixels = false;
constructor(value: string); constructor(widthAndHeight: number); constructor(width: number, height: number); constructor(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number); constructor( widthOrValueOrX: number | string, heightOrY?: number, width?: number, height?: number, ) { if (typeof widthOrValueOrX === "number") { if (width !== undefined && height !== undefined) { this._width = width; this._height = height; this._x = widthOrValueOrX; this._y = heightOrY ?? 0; } else { this._width = widthOrValueOrX; this._height = heightOrY ?? this._width; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; } if (this._width < 0) { throw new MagickError("negative width is not allowed"); } if (this._height < 0) { throw new MagickError("negative height is not allowed"); } } else { const instance = ImageMagick._api._MagickGeometry_Create(); try { _withString(widthOrValueOrX, (valuePtr) => { const flags = ImageMagick._api._MagickGeometry_Initialize( instance, valuePtr, ); if (flags === GeometryFlags.NoValue) { throw new MagickError("invalid geometry specified"); }
if (this.hasFlag(flags, GeometryFlags.AspectRatio)) { this.initializeFromAspectRation(instance, widthOrValueOrX); } else { this.initialize(instance, flags); } }); } finally { ImageMagick._api._MagickGeometry_Dispose(instance); } } }
get aspectRatio(): boolean { return this._aspectRatio; }
get fillArea(): boolean { return this._fillArea; } set fillArea(value: boolean) { this._fillArea = value; }
get greater(): boolean { return this._greater; } set greater(value: boolean) { this._greater = value; }
get ignoreAspectRatio(): boolean { return this._ignoreAspectRatio; } set ignoreAspectRatio(value: boolean) { this._ignoreAspectRatio = value; }
get isPercentage(): boolean { return this._isPercentage; } set isPercentage(value: boolean) { this._isPercentage = value; }
get less(): boolean { return this._less; } set less(value: boolean) { this._less = value; }
get limitPixels(): boolean { return this._limitPixels; } set limitPixels(value: boolean) { this._limitPixels = value; }
get height(): number { return this._height; } set height(value: number) { this._height = value; }
get width(): number { return this._width; } set width(value: number) { this._width = value; }
get x(): number { return this._x; } set x(value: number) { this._x = value; }
get y(): number { return this._y; } set y(value: number) { this._y = value; }
toString(): string { if (this._aspectRatio) { return this._width + ":" + this._height; }
let result = "";
if (this._width > 0) { result += this._width.toString(); }
if (this._height > 0) { result += "x" + this._height.toString(); } else { result += "x"; }
if (this._x != 0 || this._y != 0) { if (this._x >= 0) { result += "+"; }
result += this._x;
if (this.y >= 0) { result += "+"; }
result += this.y; }
if (this._fillArea) { result += "^"; }
if (this._greater) { result += ">"; }
if (this._isPercentage) { result += "%"; }
if (this._ignoreAspectRatio) { result += "!"; }
if (this._less) { result += "<"; }
if (this._limitPixels) { result += "@"; }
return result; }
/** @internal */ static fromRectangle(rectangle: number): MagickGeometry { if (rectangle === 0) { throw new MagickError("unable to allocate memory"); }
try { const width = ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_Width_Get(rectangle); const height = ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_Height_Get(rectangle); const x = ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_X_Get(rectangle); const y = ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_Y_Get(rectangle); return new MagickGeometry(x, y, width, height); } finally { ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_Dispose(rectangle); } }
/** @internal */ toRectangle(func: (rectangle: number) => void) { const rectangle = ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_Create(); if (rectangle === 0) { throw new MagickError("unable to allocate memory"); }
try { ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_Width_Set(rectangle, this._width); ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_Height_Set(rectangle, this._height); ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_X_Set(rectangle, this._x); ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_Y_Set(rectangle, this._y); func(rectangle); } finally { ImageMagick._api._MagickRectangle_Dispose(rectangle); } }
private initialize(instance: number, flags: number) { this._width = ImageMagick._api._MagickGeometry_Width_Get(instance); this._height = ImageMagick._api._MagickGeometry_Height_Get(instance); this._x = ImageMagick._api._MagickGeometry_X_Get(instance); this._y = ImageMagick._api._MagickGeometry_Y_Get(instance); this._ignoreAspectRatio = this.hasFlag( flags, GeometryFlags.IgnoreAspectRatio, ); this._isPercentage = this.hasFlag(flags, GeometryFlags.PercentValue); this._fillArea = this.hasFlag(flags, GeometryFlags.FillArea); this._greater = this.hasFlag(flags, GeometryFlags.Greater); this._less = this.hasFlag(flags, GeometryFlags.Less); this._limitPixels = this.hasFlag(flags, GeometryFlags.LimitPixels); }
private initializeFromAspectRation(instance: number, value: string) { this._aspectRatio = true;
const ratio = value.split(":"); this._width = this.parseNumber(ratio[0]); this._height = this.parseNumber(ratio[1]);
this._x = ImageMagick._api._MagickGeometry_X_Get(instance); this._y = ImageMagick._api._MagickGeometry_Y_Get(instance); }
private parseNumber(value: string): number { let index = 0;
while (index < value.length && !this.isNumber(value[index])) { index++; }
const start = index; while (index < value.length && this.isNumber(value[index])) { index++; }
return parseInt(value.substr(start, index - start)); }
private isNumber(character: string): boolean { return character >= "0" && character <= "9"; }
private hasFlag(flags: number, flag: GeometryFlags) { return (flags & flag) === flag; }}