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🐎 A ponyfill for using dynamic imports within Deno Deploy.
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import { esbuildNative, esbuildWASM, dirname, toFileUrl, DenoConfigurationFile, ErrorStackParser, resolveModuleSpecifier, denoPlugin, stripShebang,} from './deps.ts'
export type Module = Record<string, unknown>
export interface ImportModuleOptions { /** Force the use of the ponyfill even when native dynamic import could be used. */ force?: boolean}
export interface ImportStringOptions { /** The URL to use as a base for imports and exports in the string. */ base?: URL | string}
const denoUserAgentRegex = /^Deno\/(?<major>0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?<minor>0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?<patch>0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-(?<prerelease>(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+(?<buildmetadata>[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$/const isDeno = denoUserAgentRegex.test(navigator.userAgent)const isDenoCLI = isDeno && Deno.runconst isDenoCompiled = isDenoCLI && dirname(Deno.execPath()) === Deno.cwd()const isDenoDeploy = isDeno && !isDenoCLI && Deno.env.get('DENO_REGION')const esbuild = isDenoCLI ? esbuildNative : esbuildWASMconst AsyncFunction = async function () {}.constructor
const posibleDenoConfigurationFilepaths = [ new URL(`${toFileUrl(Deno.cwd()).href}/deno.json`), new URL(`${toFileUrl(Deno.cwd()).href}/deno.jsonc`),] as const
const compilerOptions = isDeno ? await getDenoCompilerOptions() : null
const sharedEsbuildOptions: esbuildWASM.BuildOptions = { jsx: ({ 'preserve': 'preserve', 'react': 'transform', 'react-jsx': 'automatic', 'react-jsxdev': 'automatic', 'react-native': 'preserve', }[compilerOptions?.jsx ?? 'react'] ?? 'transform') as esbuildNative.BuildOptions['jsx'], jsxDev: compilerOptions?.jsx === 'react-jsxdev', jsxFactory: compilerOptions?.jsxFactory ?? 'h', jsxFragment: compilerOptions?.jsxFragmentFactory ?? 'Fragment', jsxImportSource: compilerOptions?.jsxImportSource, bundle: true, platform: 'neutral', write: false, logLevel: 'silent', plugins: [denoPlugin({ useActiveImportMap: true })],}
async function readTextFile(filepath: URL | string) { const base = ErrorStackParser.parse(new Error())[1].fileName const url = new URL(filepath, base)
return await (await fetch(url)).text()}
async function getDenoCompilerOptions() { for (const posibleDenoConfigurationFilepath of posibleDenoConfigurationFilepaths) { try { return ( ( JSON.parse( await readTextFile(posibleDenoConfigurationFilepath), ) as DenoConfigurationFile ).compilerOptions ?? null ) } catch {} }
return null}
async function buildAndEvaluate(options: Record<string, unknown>) { !isDenoCLI && esbuild.initialize({ worker: typeof Worker !== 'undefined' })
const buildResult = await Object.assign(options, sharedEsbuildOptions), )
isDenoCLI && esbuild.stop()
const { text = '' } = buildResult.outputFiles?.[0] ?? {} const [before, after = '}'] = text.split('export {') const body = stripShebang(before).replaceAll('import.meta', '{}') + 'return {' + after.replaceAll( /(?<local>[\w\W]+) as (?<exported>[\w\W]+)/g, '$<exported>: $<local>', )
return AsyncFunction(body)()}
export async function importModule( moduleName: string, { force = false }: ImportModuleOptions = {},): Promise<Module> { try { if (force) throw new Error('Forced')
return await import(moduleName) } catch (error) { if (!isDenoCompiled && !isDenoDeploy && error.message !== 'Forced') throw error
const base = ErrorStackParser.parse(new Error())[1].fileName const entryPoint = resolveModuleSpecifier(moduleName, base, { useActiveImportMap: true, })
return await buildAndEvaluate({ entryPoints: [entryPoint], }) }}
export async function importString( moduleString: string,
{ base = ErrorStackParser.parse(new Error())[0].fileName, }: ImportStringOptions = {},) { return await buildAndEvaluate({ stdin: { contents: moduleString, loader: 'tsx', sourcefile: base instanceof URL ? base.href : base, }, })}