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Generate a Deno configuration file
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Start Deno projects faster with deno-init, a simple executable that scaffolds the project structure for you.

Please note this module’s API is not stable yet and there may be breaking changes on 0.x version increments.


  • deno installed and available on a terminal.


Use the deno install command to install or upgrade the executable. If you download it without specifying a version the latest will be installed.

deno install --allow-read --allow-write -n deno-init

deno-init can also be installed directly from GitHub:

deno install --allow-read --allow-write -n deno-init

Basic Usage


This will prompt you for the following:

  • TypeScript? (default y)
  • Entrypoint? (default mod.ts)
  • Dependency entrypoint? (default deps.ts)
  • Debug configuration? (default y).

Choosing all defaults will create the following structure in the current directory:

│   .gitignore
│   deps.ts  
│   mod.ts
│   │   launch.json
│   │   settings.json

The created .gitignore will ignore .vscode/ and settings.json will contain "deno.enable": "true", while launch.json will contain a basic debug configuration.

Available Options

Use --help to print all available options. In addition, they are listed below:

Use --yes or -y if you simply want to use all the default values without being prompted:

deno-init -y

deno-init will not overwrite files or directories unless --force is passed.

Use --editor or -e to generate editor-specific configuration for a project. At this moment only the option vscode is supported and it is also set as the default.

deno-init --editor vscode

Use --force or -f in case you explicitly want to overwrite existing files. This can be helpful to re-initialize but use with caution.

deno-init -f

Use --name or -n to make a new directory in the current directory where the files will be placed.

deno-init --name my_deno_project

--template or -t can be combined with deno-init subcommands to create a project from a template.

deno-init --template oak


Use --help to get more detailed information on any of the subcommands.


Use to initialize a Deno RESTful API from a template.

deno-init api --template opine

Available template: opine, restful_oak.


Use to initialize a Deno Command Line Interface (CLI) from a template.

deno-init cli --template cliffy

Available templates: cliffy


Use to initialize a Deno Test-Driven Development project from a template.

deno-init tdd --template rhum


  • Support more editor/IDE setups
  • Add more project templates