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Interactive command line user interfaces for deno
import { readKeypress, color, ansi } from '../deps.ts';import { print } from './utils/io.ts';
const defaultOpts = {};
interface Option<T> { label: string; value: T;}
export async function select<T>(_opts: { message: string; options: Option<T>[]; default?: T;}): Promise<T>;export async function select(_opts: { message: string; options: string[]; default?: string;}): Promise<string>;export async function select(_opts: { message: string; options: unknown[]; default?: unknown;}): Promise<unknown> { if (_opts.options.length == 0) throw 'select requires non empty list of options';
const opts = Object.assign({}, defaultOpts, _opts); const { options } = opts; // Normalize options let optionList: Option<unknown>[]; if (typeof options[0] == 'string') { optionList = (options as string[]).map(e => ({label: e, value: e})); } else { optionList = options as Option<unknown>[]; }
const len = optionList.length; let idx = 0; if (opts.default) { const { default: dft } = opts; idx = optionList.findIndex(e => dft == e.value); if (idx == -1) throw `Default option ${dft} is not included in option list`; } console.log(`${'?')} ${opts.message}`); const printOptions = () => { for (const [i, opt] of optionList.entries()) { const selected = idx == i; const selChar = selected ? '❯' : ' '; const s = `${selChar} ${opt.label}`; console.log(selected ? : s); } };
const eraseOptions = async () => { await print(ansi.eraseLines(len + 1)); };
await print(ansi.cursorHide()); printOptions(); let ret; for await (const evt of readKeypress()) { const { key, ctrlKey } = evt; if (key == 'down') { idx = (idx + 1) % len; await eraseOptions(); printOptions(); } else if (key == 'up') { idx = (idx - 1 + len) % len; await eraseOptions(); printOptions(); } else if (key == 'return') { ret = optionList[idx].value; break; } else if (ctrlKey && key === 'c') { Deno.exit() } }
await eraseOptions(); await print(ansi.cursorShow()); if (ret) return ret; throw 'Noop';}