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A JavaScript/TypeScript wrapper for the JIRA Cloud, Service Desk and Agile REST API
interface User
import { type User } from "";

User details permitted by the user's Atlassian Account privacy settings. However, be aware of these exceptions:*

  • User record deleted from Atlassian: This occurs as the result of a right to be forgotten request. In this case, displayName provides an indication and other parameters have default values or are blank (for example, email is blank).
  • User record corrupted: This occurs as a results of events such as a server import and can only happen to deleted users. In this case, accountId returns unknown and all other parameters have fallback values.
  • User record unavailable: This usually occurs due to an internal service outage. In this case, all parameters have fallback values.


self: string

The URL of the user.

accountId: string

The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

emailAddress: string | null

The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

avatarUrls: { 16x16?: string; 24x24?: string; 32x32?: string; 48x48?: string; }

Details about the avatars for an item.

displayName: string

The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.

active: boolean

Whether the user is active.

timeZone: string | null

The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

accountType: string

The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)