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Utilities for interacting with a Johnny Decimal filing system.
import { bold, green, join, red } from "../deps.ts";import { Command } from "../models/command.ts";import { Directory } from "../models/directory.ts";import createJdDir from "../utilities/create_jd_dir.ts";import { getShellConfigPath, getShellName, SHELL,} from "../utilities/get_default_shell_config.ts";const { FISH, ZSH, BASH } = SHELL;
const JD_HOME_TEXT = { [BASH]: 'export JD_HOME="{JD_HOME}"', [ZSH]: 'export JD_HOME="{JD_HOME}"', [FISH]: 'set -x JD_HOME "{JD_HOME}"',};
const SOURCE_TEXT = { [BASH]: "source $HOME/.jd/", [ZSH]: "source $HOME/.jd/", [FISH]: "source $HOME/.jd/",};
const shellName = getShellName();const jdHomeTemplate = JD_HOME_TEXT[shellName];const sourceText = SOURCE_TEXT[shellName];
if (!jdHomeTemplate || !sourceText) { throw new Error(`Unsupported Shell: ${shellName}`);}
const log = { intro: () => console.log(bold( "\n" + "Thanks for using Johnny Decimal CLI!\n" + "This is a short (3 step) setup guide!\n" + "More detailed instructions are in the online docs:\n" + "\n", )),
step1: { intro: () => console.log( bold(green("\nStep 1 of 3")) + "\nJD CLI needs to create " + "a directory for storing settings, plugins, and scripts." + 'To start, this will only contain our "cd" script (~/.jd/', ), query: ($JD_DIR: string) => confirm(bold(`Let us create directory \`${$JD_DIR}\` automatically?`)), complete: () => console.log(green("Created!")), failed: () => console.log(red("\nFailed! Maybe `.jd` already exists?")), },
step2: { intro: () => { console.log( bold(green("\nStep 2 of 3\n")) + "We need to know where your JD filesystem is located!\n" + "This is the directory that contains all your JD Areas.", ); }, query: ($HOME: string) => prompt(bold("\nWhere is your Johnny Decimal filesystem's home?"), $HOME), },
step3: { intro: (jdHomeText: string, shellConfigPath: string, sourceText: string) => console.log( `\n${bold(green("Step 3 of 3"))}\n` + `JD CLI needs the following lines to be added to ${shellConfigPath}:\n` + `\n ${green("+")} ${jdHomeText}` + `\n ${green("+")} ${sourceText}`, ), query: () => confirm(bold("Would you like us to add these automatically?")), },
outro: () => { console.log(bold(green("Setup Complete!\n"))); console.log("Please reload or re-source your terminal window."); console.log("You can undo changes done by this setup script later."); console.log("Just run: `jd uninstall`\n"); },
skip: () => console.log("\n Skipping..."),};
/** * @name InstallCommand * * @description * Guided script for setting up Johnny Decimal CLI. This includes: * 1. Creating `$HOME/.jd` * 2. Registering a user's Johnny Decimal Filesystem * 3. Adding the `cd` shell script and environment variables to user's config. */const installCommand: Command = { name: "install", usage: "jd install", description: "Install the `cd` script, and create plugin dir",
async fn(this: Directory) { const { $HOME, $JD_DIR } = this; const shellConfigPath = getShellConfigPath($HOME);
// Create .jd log.step1.intro();
if (log.step1.query($JD_DIR)) { try { await createJdDir(join($JD_DIR)); log.step1.complete(); } catch (e) { log.step1.failed(); } } else { log.skip(); }
// Get JD Home Dir log.step2.intro();
const $JD_HOME = (log.step2.query($HOME) || $HOME) .replace("~", $HOME) .replace($HOME, "$HOME"); const jdHomeText = jdHomeTemplate.replace("{JD_HOME}", $JD_HOME);
// Edit sh config log.step3.intro(jdHomeText, shellConfigPath, sourceText);
if (log.step3.query()) { const config = await Deno.readTextFile(shellConfigPath); let nextConfig = "";
if ( (shellName === FISH && config.includes("set -l JD_HOME")) || ([BASH, ZSH].includes(shellName) && config.includes("export JD_HOME=")) ) { console.log(red("\n`export JD_HOME=` already exists!")); log.skip(); } else { nextConfig += jdHomeText + "\n"; }
if (config.includes(sourceText)) { console.log(red(`\n\`${sourceText}\` already exists!`)); log.skip(); } else { nextConfig += sourceText + "\n"; }
const data = (new TextEncoder()).encode("\n" + nextConfig); await Deno.writeFile(shellConfigPath, data, { append: true }); } else { log.skip(); }
log.outro(); },};
export default installCommand;