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import { FlattenedSign } from '../flattened/sign.ts'import { JWSInvalid } from '../../util/errors.ts'
import type { KeyLike, GeneralJWS, JWSHeaderParameters, SignOptions } from '../../types.d.ts'
export interface Signature { /** * Sets the JWS Protected Header on the Signature object. * * @param protectedHeader JWS Protected Header. */ setProtectedHeader(protectedHeader: JWSHeaderParameters): Signature
/** * Sets the JWS Unprotected Header on the Signature object. * * @param unprotectedHeader JWS Unprotected Header. */ setUnprotectedHeader(unprotectedHeader: JWSHeaderParameters): Signature
/** * A shorthand for calling addSignature() on the enclosing GeneralSign instance */ addSignature(...args: Parameters<GeneralSign['addSignature']>): Signature
/** * A shorthand for calling encrypt() on the enclosing GeneralSign instance */ sign(...args: Parameters<GeneralSign['sign']>): Promise<GeneralJWS>
/** * Returns the enclosing GeneralSign */ done(): GeneralSign}
class IndividualSignature implements Signature { private parent: GeneralSign
protectedHeader?: JWSHeaderParameters unprotectedHeader?: JWSHeaderParameters options?: SignOptions key: KeyLike | Uint8Array
constructor(sig: GeneralSign, key: KeyLike | Uint8Array, options?: SignOptions) { this.parent = sig this.key = key this.options = options }
setProtectedHeader(protectedHeader: JWSHeaderParameters) { if (this.protectedHeader) { throw new TypeError('setProtectedHeader can only be called once') } this.protectedHeader = protectedHeader return this }
setUnprotectedHeader(unprotectedHeader: JWSHeaderParameters) { if (this.unprotectedHeader) { throw new TypeError('setUnprotectedHeader can only be called once') } this.unprotectedHeader = unprotectedHeader return this }
addSignature(...args: Parameters<GeneralSign['addSignature']>) { return this.parent.addSignature(...args) }
sign(...args: Parameters<GeneralSign['sign']>) { return this.parent.sign(...args) }
done() { return this.parent }}
/** * The GeneralSign class is a utility for creating General JWS objects. * * @example Usage * ```js * const jws = await new jose.GeneralSign( * new TextEncoder().encode( * 'It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door.' * ) * ) * .addSignature(ecPrivateKey) * .setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'ES256' }) * .addSignature(rsaPrivateKey) * .setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'PS256' }) * .sign() * * console.log(jws) * ``` */export class GeneralSign { private _payload: Uint8Array
private _signatures: IndividualSignature[] = []
/** * @param payload Binary representation of the payload to sign. */ constructor(payload: Uint8Array) { this._payload = payload }
/** * Adds an additional signature for the General JWS object. * * @param key Private Key or Secret to sign the individual JWS signature with. * @param options JWS Sign options. */ addSignature(key: KeyLike | Uint8Array, options?: SignOptions): Signature { const signature = new IndividualSignature(this, key, options) this._signatures.push(signature) return signature }
/** * Signs and resolves the value of the General JWS object. */ async sign(): Promise<GeneralJWS> { if (!this._signatures.length) { throw new JWSInvalid('at least one signature must be added') }
const jws: GeneralJWS = { signatures: [], payload: '', }
for (let i = 0; i < this._signatures.length; i++) { const signature = this._signatures[i] const flattened = new FlattenedSign(this._payload)
flattened.setProtectedHeader(signature.protectedHeader!) flattened.setUnprotectedHeader(signature.unprotectedHeader!)
const { payload, } = await flattened.sign(signature.key, signature.options) if (i === 0) { jws.payload = payload } else if (jws.payload !== payload) { throw new JWSInvalid('inconsistent use of JWS Unencoded Payload Option (RFC7797)') } jws.signatures.push(rest) }
return jws }}