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"JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS with no dependencies using runtime's native crypto in Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Electron, and Deno.
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import { decode as base64url } from './base64url.ts'import { decoder } from '../lib/buffer_utils.ts'import isObject from '../lib/is_object.ts'import type { JWTPayload } from '../types.d.ts'import { JWTInvalid } from './errors.ts'
/** * Decodes a signed JSON Web Token payload. This does not validate the JWT Claims Set * types or values. This does not validate the JWS Signature. For a proper * Signed JWT Claims Set validation and JWS signature verification use `jose.jwtVerify()`. * For an encrypted JWT Claims Set validation and JWE decryption use `jose.jwtDecrypt()`. * * @param jwt JWT token in compact JWS serialization. * * @example Usage * ```js * const claims = jose.decodeJwt(token) * console.log(claims) * ``` */export function decodeJwt(jwt: string) { if (typeof jwt !== 'string') throw new JWTInvalid('JWTs must use Compact JWS serialization, JWT must be a string')
const { 1: payload, length } = jwt.split('.')
if (length === 5) throw new JWTInvalid('Only JWTs using Compact JWS serialization can be decoded') if (length !== 3) throw new JWTInvalid('Invalid JWT') if (!payload) throw new JWTInvalid('JWTs must contain a payload')
let decoded: Uint8Array try { decoded = base64url(payload) } catch { throw new JWTInvalid('Failed to parse the base64url encoded payload') }
let result: unknown try { result = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(decoded)) } catch { throw new JWTInvalid('Failed to parse the decoded payload as JSON') }
if (!isObject<JWTPayload>(result)) throw new JWTInvalid('Invalid JWT Claims Set')
return result}