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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
---title: atomWithComparenav: 8.05keywords: creators,compare---
> `atomWithCompare` creates atom that triggers updates when custom compare function `areEqual(prev, next)` is false.This can help you avoid unwanted re-renders by ignoring state changes that don't matter to your application.
Note: Jotai uses `` internally to compare values when changes occur. If `areEqual(a, b)` returns false, but `, b)` returns true, Jotai will not trigger an update.
```tsimport { atomWithReducer } from 'jotai/utils'
export function atomWithCompare<Value>( initialValue: Value, areEqual: (prev: Value, next: Value) => boolean,) { return atomWithReducer(initialValue, (prev: Value, next: Value) => { if (areEqual(prev, next)) { return prev } return next })}```
Here's how you'd use it to make an atom that ignores updates that are shallow-equal:
```tsimport { atomWithCompare } from 'XXX'import { shallowEquals } from 'YYY'import { CSSProperties } from 'react'
const styleAtom = atomWithCompare<CSSProperties>( { backgroundColor: 'blue' }, shallowEquals,)```
In a component:
```jsxconst StylePreview = () => { const [styles, setStyles] = useAtom(styleAtom) return ( <div> <div styles={styles}>Style preview</div> {/* Clicking this button twice will only trigger one render */} <button onClick={() => setStyles({ ...styles, backgroundColor: 'red' })}> Set background to red </button> {/* Clicking this button twice will only trigger one render */} <button onClick={() => setStyles({ ...styles, fontSize: 32 })}> Enlarge font </button> </div> )}```