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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
---title: useAtomEffectnav: 8.03keywords: effect, atom effect, side effect, side-effect, sideeffect, hook, useAtomEffect---
> `useAtomEffect` runs side effects in response to changes in atoms or props using [atomEffect](../extensions/effect.mdx).The effectFn reruns whenever the atoms it depends on change or the effectFn itself changes. Be sure to memoize the effectFn if it's a function defined in the component.
⚠️ Note: always prefer to use a [stable version of useMemo and useCallback]( to avoid extra atomEffect recomputations. You may rely on useMemo as a performance optimization, but not as a semantic guarantee. In the future, React may choose to “forget” some previously memoized values and recalculate them on next render, e.g. to free memory for offscreen components.
```tsimport { useMemoOne as useStableMemo } from 'use-memo-one'import { useAtomValue } from 'jotai/react'import { atomEffect } from 'jotai-effect'
type EffectFn = Parameters<typeof atomEffect>[0]
export function useAtomEffect(effectFn: EffectFn) { useAtomValue(useStableMemo(() => atomEffect(effectFn), [effectFn]))}```
### Example Usage
```tsximport { useCallbackOne as useStableCallback } from 'use-memo-one'import { atom, useAtom } from 'jotai'import { atomFamily } from 'jotai/utils'import { useAtomEffect } from './useAtomEffect'
const channelSubscriptionAtomFamily = atomFamily<Channel>( (channelId: string) => { return atom(new Channel(channelId)) },)const messagesAtom = atom<Message[]>([])
function Messages({ channelId }: { channelId: string }) { const [messages] = useAtom(messagesAtom) useAtomEffect( useStableCallback( (get, set) => { const channel = get(channelSubscriptionAtomFamily(channelId)) const unsubscribe = channel.subscribe((message) => { set(messagesAtom, (prev) => [...prev, message]) }) return unsubscribe }, [id], ), ) return ( <> <h1>You have {messages.length} messages</h1> <hr /> { => ( <div key={}>{message.text}</div> ))} </> )}```