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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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---title: atomWithObservable---
## Usage
```jsximport { useAtom } from 'jotai'import { atomWithObservable } from 'jotai/utils'import { interval } from 'rxjs'import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'
const counterSubject = interval(1000).pipe(map((i) => `#${i}`))const counterAtom = atomWithObservable(() => counterSubject)
const Counter = () => { const [counter] = useAtom(counterAtom) return <div>count: {counter}</div>}```
The `atomWithObservable` function creates an atom from a rxjs (or similar) `subject` or `observable`.Its value will be last value emitted from the stream.
To use this atom, you need to wrap your component with `<Suspense>`. Check out [guides/async](../guides/async.mdx).
## Initial value
`atomWithObservable` takes second optional parameter `{ initialValue }` that allows to specify initial value for the atom. If `initialValue` is provided then `atomWithObservable` will not suspend and will show initial value before receiving first value from observable. `initialValue` can be either a value or a function that returns a value
```jsconst counterAtom = atomWithObservable(() => counterSubject, { initialValue: 10,})
const counterAtom2 = atomWithObservable(() => counterSubject, { initialValue: () => Math.random(),})```
### Codesandbox
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