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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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import { atom } from 'jotai'import type { Atom } from 'jotai'import { createMemoizeAtom } from './weakCache'
const memoizeAtom = createMemoizeAtom()
type Loadable<Value> = | { state: 'loading' } | { state: 'hasError'; error: unknown } | { state: 'hasData'; data: Awaited<Value> }
const LOADING: Loadable<unknown> = { state: 'loading' }
export function loadable<Value>(anAtom: Atom<Value>): Atom<Loadable<Value>> { return memoizeAtom(() => { const loadableAtomCache = new WeakMap< Promise<void>, Atom<Loadable<Value>> >()
const catchAtom = atom((get) => { let promise: Promise<void> try { const data = get(anAtom) as Awaited<Value> const loadableAtom = atom({ state: 'hasData', data } as Loadable<Value>) return loadableAtom } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Promise) { promise = error } else { const loadableAtom = atom({ state: 'hasError', error, } as Loadable<Value>) return loadableAtom } } const cached = loadableAtomCache.get(promise) if (cached) { return cached } const loadableAtom = atom( LOADING as Loadable<Value>, async (get, set) => { try { const data: Value = await get(anAtom, { unstable_promise: true }) set(loadableAtom, { state: 'hasData', data }) } catch (error) { set(loadableAtom, { state: 'hasError', error }) } } ) loadableAtom.onMount = (init) => { init() } loadableAtomCache.set(promise, loadableAtom) return loadableAtom })
const derivedAtom = atom((get) => { const loadableAtom = get(catchAtom) return get(loadableAtom) })
return derivedAtom }, [anAtom])}