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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
---title: Core internalsdescription: A simplified version of the core implementationnav: 7.10---
This guide is beneficial for those who want to understand the core implementation of Jotai. It's not meant to be a complete example of thecore implementation but rather a simplified version. It's inspired by the collection of tweets by Daishi Kato([@dai_shi](
### First Version
Let's start with an easy example. An atom is just a function that will return a configuration object. We are using WeakMap to map atom with their state.WeakMap doesn't keep its keys in memory, so if an atom is garbage collected, its state will be garbage collected too. This helps avoid memory leaks.
```jsimport { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
// atom function returns a config object which contains initial valueexport const atom = (initialValue) => ({ init: initialValue })
// we need to keep track of the state of the atom.// we are using weakmap to avoid memory leaksconst atomStateMap = new WeakMap()const getAtomState = (atom) => { let atomState = atomStateMap.get(atom) if (!atomState) { atomState = { value: atom.init, listeners: new Set() } atomStateMap.set(atom, atomState) } return atomState}
// useAtom hook returns a tuple of the current value// and a function to update the atom's valueexport const useAtom = (atom) => { const atomState = getAtomState(atom) const [value, setValue] = useState(atomState.value) useEffect(() => { const callback = () => setValue(atomState.value) // same atom can be used at multiple components, so we need to // keep listening for atom's state change till component is unmounted. atomState.listeners.add(callback) callback() return () => atomState.listeners.delete(callback) }, [atomState]) const setAtom = (nextValue) => { atomState.value = nextValue // let all the subscribed components know that the atom's state has changed atomState.listeners.forEach((l) => l()) } return [value, setAtom]}```
Here's an example using our simplified atom implementation. [Counter example](
Ref tweet: [Demystifying the internal of jotai](
### Second Version
Hang on! We can do better. In Jotai, we can create derived atom. A derived atom is an atom that depends on other atoms.
```jsconst priceAtom = atom(10)const readOnlyAtom = atom((get) => get(priceAtom) * 2)const writeOnlyAtom = atom( null, // it's a convention to pass `null` for the first argument (get, set, args) => { set(priceAtom, get(priceAtom) - args) },)const readWriteAtom = atom( (get) => get(priceAtom) * 2, (get, set, newPrice) => { set(priceAtom, newPrice / 2) // you can set as many atoms as you want at the same time },)```
To keep track of all the dependents, we need to add one more property to the atom's state. Let's say atom X depends on atom Y,so when we update atom Y, we also update atom X. This is called dependency tracking.
```jsconst atomState = { value: atom.init, listeners: new Set(), dependents: new Set(),}```
We now need to create functions for reading and writing an atom that can handle updating dependent atoms' state.
```jsimport { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
export const atom = (read, write) => { if (typeof read === 'function') { return { read, write } } const config = { init: read, // get in the read function is to read the atom value. // It's reactive and read dependencies are tracked. read: (get) => get(config), // get in the write function is also to read atom value, but it's not tracked. // set in the write function is to write atom value and // it will invoke the write function of the target atom. write: write || ((get, set, arg) => { if (typeof arg === 'function') { set(config, arg(get(config))) } else { set(config, arg) } }), } return config}
// same as above but the state has one extra property: dependentsconst atomStateMap = new WeakMap()const getAtomState = (atom) => { let atomState = atomStateMap.get(atom) if (!atomState) { atomState = { value: atom.init, listeners: new Set(), dependents: new Set(), } atomStateMap.set(atom, atomState) } return atomState}
// If atom is primitive, we return it's value.// If atom is derived, we read the parent atom's value// and add current atom to parent's the dependent set (recursively).const readAtom = (atom) => { const atomState = getAtomState(atom) const get = (a) => { if (a === atom) { return atomState.value } const aState = getAtomState(a) aState.dependents.add(atom) // XXX add only return readAtom(a) // XXX no caching } const value = atomState.value = value return value}
// if atomState is modified, we need to notify all the dependent atoms (recursively)// now run callbacks for all the components that are dependent on this atomconst notify = (atom) => { const atomState = getAtomState(atom) atomState.dependents.forEach((d) => { if (d !== atom) notify(d) }) atomState.listeners.forEach((l) => l())}
// writeAtom calls atom.write with the necessary params and triggers notify functionconst writeAtom = (atom, value) => { const atomState = getAtomState(atom) // 'a' is some atom from atomStateMap const get = (a) => { const aState = getAtomState(a) return aState.value } // if 'a' is the same as atom, update the value, notify that atom and return // else calls writeAtom for 'a' (recursively) const set = (a, v) => { if (a === atom) { atomState.value = v notify(atom) return } writeAtom(a, v) } atom.write(get, set, value)}
export const useAtom = (atom) => { const [value, setValue] = useState() useEffect(() => { const callback = () => setValue(readAtom(atom)) const atomState = getAtomState(atom) atomState.listeners.add(callback) callback() return () => atomState.listeners.delete(callback) }, [atom]) const setAtom = (nextValue) => { writeAtom(atom, nextValue) } return [value, setAtom]}```
Here is an example using our derived atom implementation. [Derived counter example](
Ref tweet: [Supporting derived atoms](