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---title: Locationdescription: This doc describes window.location extension.nav: 4.06keywords: location,hash---
To deal with `window.location`, we have some functions to create atoms.
### Install
You have to install `jotai-location` to use this feature.
```npm i jotai-location```
## atomWithLocation
```jsatomWithLocation(options): PrimitiveAtom```
`atomWithLocation` creates a new atom that links to `window.location`.
### Parameters
**options** (optional): an object of options to customize the behavior of the atom
### Options
**preloaded** (optional): preloaded location value to avoid getting location at initialization.
**replace** (optional): a boolean to indicate to use `replaceState` instead of `pushState`.
**getLocation** (optional): a custom function to get location value.
**applyLocation** (optional): a custom function to set location value.
**subscribe** (optional): a custom function to subscribe to location change.
### Examples
```jsximport { useAtom } from 'jotai'import { atomWithLocation } from 'jotai-location'
const locationAtom = atomWithLocation()
const App = () => { const [loc, setLoc] = useAtom(locationAtom) return ( <ul> <li> <button style={{ fontWeight: loc.pathname === '/' ? 'bold' : 'normal', }} onClick={() => setLoc((prev) => ({ ...prev, pathname: '/' }))} > Home </button> </li> <li> <button style={{ fontWeight: loc.pathname === '/foo' && !loc.searchParams?.get('bar') ? 'bold' : 'normal', }} onClick={() => setLoc((prev) => ({ ...prev, pathname: '/foo', searchParams: new URLSearchParams(), })) } > Foo </button> </li> <li> <button style={{ fontWeight: loc.pathname === '/foo' && loc.searchParams?.get('bar') === '1' ? 'bold' : 'normal', }} onClick={() => setLoc((prev) => ({ ...prev, pathname: '/foo', searchParams: new URLSearchParams([['bar', '1']]), })) } > Foo?bar=1 </button> </li> </ul> )}```
### Codesandbox
<CodeSandbox id="kism55" />## atomWithHash
```jsatomWithHash(key, initialValue, options): PrimitiveAtom```
This creates a new atom that is connected with URL hash.The hash must be in the URLSearchParams format.It's a two-way binding: changing the atom value will change the hash andchanging the hash will change the atom value.This function works only with DOM.
### Parameters
**key** (required): a unique string used as the key when syncing state with localStorage, sessionStorage, or AsyncStorage
**initialValue** (required): the initial value of the atom
**options** (optional): an object of options to customize the behavior of the atom
### Options
**serialize** (optional): a custom function to serialize the atom value to the hash. Defaults to `JSON.stringify`.
**deserialize** (optional): a custom function to deserialize the hash to the atom value. Defaults to `JSON.parse`.
**subscribe** (optional): custom hash change subscribe function
**setHash** (optional): `replaceState` or a custom function that describes how hash gets updated on the side of the browser. Defaults to pushing a new entry to the history via `window.location.hash = searchParams` ([jotai-location#4](
### Examples
```jsximport { useAtom } from 'jotai'import { atomWithHash } from 'jotai-location'
const countAtom = atomWithHash('count', 1)
const Counter = () => { const [count, setCount] = useAtom(countAtom) return ( <div> <div>count: {count}</div> <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c + 1)}>+1</button> </div> )}```
### Codesandbox
<CodeSandbox id="2mocd1" />### Deleting Item
Please refer [atomWithStorage](../utilities/storage.mdx)for the usage about deleting items.