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---title: URQLdescription: This doc describes URQL extension.nav: 4.03keywords: urql---
[urql]( offers a toolkit for GraphQL querying, caching, and state management.
From the [Overview docs](
> urql is a highly customizable and versatile GraphQL client with which you add on features like normalized caching as you grow. It's built to be both easy to use for newcomers to GraphQL, and extensible, to grow to support dynamic single-app applications and highly customized GraphQL infrastructure. In short, urql prioritizes usability and adaptability.[jotai-urql]( is a Jotai extension library for URQL. It offers a cohesive interface that incorporates all of URQL's GraphQL features, allowing you to leverage these functionalities alongside your existing Jotai state.
### Install
You have to install `jotai-urql`, `@urql/core` and `wonka` to use the extension.
```npm i jotai-urql @urql/core wonka```
### Exported functions
- `atomWithQuery` for [client.query]( `atomWithMutation` for [client.mutation]( `atomWithSubscription` for [client.subscription]( Basic usage
#### Query:
```tsximport { useAtom } from 'jotai'
const countQueryAtom = atomWithQuery<{ count: number }>({ query: 'query Count { count }', getClient: () => client, // This option is optional if `useRehydrateAtom([[clientAtom, client]])` is used globally})
const Counter = () => { // Will suspend until first operation result is resolved. Either with error, partial data, data const [operationResult, reexecute] = useAtom(countQueryAtom) if (operationResult.error) { // This shall be handled in the parent ErrorBoundary above throw operationResult.error } // You have to use optional chaining here, as data may be undefined at this point (only in case of error) return <>{}</>}```
#### Mutation:
```tsximport { useAtom } from 'jotai'
const incrementMutationAtom = atomWithMutation<{ increment: number }>({ query: 'mutation Increment { increment }',})
const Counter = () => { const [operationResult, executeMutation] = useAtom(incrementMutationAtom) return ( <div> <button onClick={() => executeMutation().then((it) => console.log( } > Increment </button> <div>{}</div> </div> )}```
### Simplified type of options passed to functions
```tsxtype AtomWithQueryOptions< Data = unknown, Variables extends AnyVariables = AnyVariables,> = { // Supports string query, typed-document-node, document node etc. query: DocumentInput<Data, Variables> // Will be enforced dynamically based on generic/typed-document-node types. getVariables?: (get: Getter) => Variables getContext?: (get: Getter) => Partial<OperationContext> getPause?: (get: Getter) => boolean getClient?: (get: Getter) => Client}
type AtomWithMutationOptions< Data = unknown, Variables extends AnyVariables = AnyVariables,> = { query: DocumentInput<Data, Variables> getClient?: (get: Getter) => Client}
// Subscription type is the same as AtomWithQueryOptions```
### Disable suspense
Usage of `import { loadable } from "jotai/utils"` is preferred instead as proven more stable. However is you still want thathere is how you do it:
```tsximport { suspenseAtom } from 'jotai-urql'
export const App = () => { // We disable suspense for the entire app useHydrateAtoms([[suspenseAtom, false]]) return <Counter />}```
### Useful helper hook
Here is the helper hook, to cover one rare corner case, and make use of these bindings similar to `@tanstack/react-query`default behavior where errors are treated as errors (in case of Promise reject) and are handled mostly in the nearbyErrorBoundaries. Only valid for suspended version.
#### useQueryAtomData
Neatly returns `data` after the resolution + handles all the error throwing/reexecute cases/corner cases.Note that Type is overridden so `data` it never `undefined` nor `null` (unless that's expected return type of the query itself)
```tsximport type { AnyVariables, OperationResult } from '@urql/core'import { useAtom } from 'jotai'import type { AtomWithQuery } from 'jotai-urql'
export const useQueryAtomData = < Data = unknown, Variables extends AnyVariables = AnyVariables,>( queryAtom: AtomWithQuery<Data, Variables>,) => { const [opResult, dispatch] = useAtom(queryAtom) if (opResult.error && opResult.stale) { use( // Here we suspend the tree. This will only be triggered in the scenario // when you use `network-only` for refetch in Error Boundary retry logic, in that case tree doesn't suspend // causing possible "throwed - retry in boundary - throwed - retry in boundary" cycle. // (in case of Jotai URQL bindings only). // eslint-disable-next-line promise/avoid-new new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, 10000) // This timeout time is going to cause suspense of this component up until // new operation result will come. After 10 second it will simply try to render component itself and suspend again // in an endless loop }), ) } if (opResult.error) { throw opResult.error } if (! { throw Error( 'Query data is undefined. Probably you paused the query? In that case use `useQueryAtom` instead.', ) } return [, dispatch, opResult] as [ Exclude<typeof, undefined>, typeof dispatch, typeof opResult, ]}
// Suspense tree while promise is resolving (not going to be needed in next versions of React)function use(promise: Promise<any> | any) { if (promise.status === 'fulfilled') { return promise.value } if (promise.status === 'rejected') { throw promise.reason } else if (promise.status === 'pending') { throw promise } else { promise.status = 'pending' // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return ;(promise as Promise<any>).then( (result: any) => { promise.status = 'fulfilled' promise.value = result }, (reason: any) => { promise.status = 'rejected' promise.reason = reason }, ) throw promise }}```
#### Basic demo
<CodeSandbox id="5rwunq" />### Refferencing the same instance of the client for both atoms and urql provider
To ensure that you reference the same urqlClient object, be sure to wrap the root of your project in a `<Provider>` and initialise clientAtom with the same urqlClient value you provided to UrqlProvider.
Without this step, you may end up specifying client each time when you use `atomWithQuery`. Now you can just ignore the optional `getClient` parameter, and it will use the client from the context.
```jsximport { Suspense } from 'react'import { Provider } from 'jotai/react'import { useHydrateAtoms } from 'jotai/react/utils'import { clientAtom } from 'jotai-urql'
import { createClient, cacheExchange, fetchExchange, Provider as UrqlProvider,} from 'urql'
const urqlClient = createClient({ url: '', exchanges: [cacheExchange, fetchExchange], fetchOptions: () => { return { headers: {} } },})
const HydrateAtoms = ({ children }) => { useHydrateAtoms([[clientAtom, urqlClient]]) return children}
export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) { return ( <UrqlProvider value={urqlClient}> <Provider> <HydrateAtoms> <Suspense fallback="Loading..."> <Component {...pageProps} /> </Suspense> </HydrateAtoms> </Provider> </UrqlProvider> )}```