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---title: Initializing state on renderdescription: How to initialize atom state on initial rendernav: 7.13---
There are times when you need to create an reusable component which uses atoms.
These atoms' initial state are determined by the props passed to the component.
Below is a basic example illustrating how you can use `Provider` and its prop, `initialValues`, to initialize state.
### Basic Example
> CodeSandbox link: [codesandbox]( a basic example where you have a reusable `TextDisplay` component that allows you to display and update plain text.
This component has two child components, `PrettyText` and `UpdateTextInput`.
- `PrettyText` displays the text in blue.- `UpdateTextInput` is an input field which updates the text value.As opposed to passing `text` as a prop in the two child components, you decided that the `text` state should be shared between components as an atom.
To make `TextDisplay` component reusable, we take in a prop `initialTextValue`, which determines the initial state of the `text` atom.
To tie `initialTextValue` to `textAtom`, we wrap the child components in a component where we create a new store and pass it to a `Provider` component.
```jsxconst textAtom = atom('')
const PrettyText = () => { const [text] = useAtom(textAtom) return ( <> <text style={{ color: 'blue', }} > {text} </text> </> )}
const UpdateTextInput = () => { const [text, setText] = useAtom(textAtom) const handleInputChange = (e) => { setText( } return ( <> <input onChange={handleInputChange} value={text} /> </> )}
const HydrateAtoms = ({ initialValues, children }) => { // initialising on state with prop on render here useHydrateAtoms(initialValues) return children}
export const TextDisplay = ({ initialTextValue }) => ( <Provider> <HydrateAtoms initialValues={[[textAtom, initialTextValue]]}> <PrettyText /> <br /> <UpdateTextInput /> </HydrateAtoms> </Provider>)```
Now, we can easily reuse `TextDisplay` component with different initial text values despite them referencing the "same" atom.
```jsxexport default function App() { return ( <div className="App"> <TextDisplay initialTextValue="initial text value 1" /> <TextDisplay initialTextValue="initial text value 2" /> </div> )}```
This behavior is due to our child components looking for the lowest commmon `Provider` ancestor to derive its value.
For more information on `Provider` behavior, please read the docs [here](../core/provider.mdx).
For more complex use cases, check out [Scope extension](../extensions/scope.mdx).
### Using Typescript
`useHydrateAtoms` has overloaded types and typescript cannot extract types from overloaded function. It is recommended to use a `Map` when passing initial atom values to the `useHydrateAtoms`.
Here is a working example:
```tsximport type { ReactNode } from 'react'import { Provider, atom, useAtomValue } from 'jotai'import type { WritableAtom } from 'jotai'import { useHydrateAtoms } from 'jotai/utils'
const testAtom = atom('')
export default function App() { return ( <Provider> <AtomsHydrator atomValues={[[testAtom, 'hello']]}> <Component /> </AtomsHydrator> </Provider> )}
//This component contains all the states and the logicfunction Component() { const testAtomValue = useAtomValue(testAtom) return <div>{testAtomValue}</div>}
function AtomsHydrator({ atomValues, children,}: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any atomValues: Iterable< readonly [WritableAtom<unknown, [any], unknown>, unknown] > children: ReactNode}) { useHydrateAtoms(new Map(atomValues)) return children}```