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---title: atomWithRefreshAndDefaultnav: 8.07keywords: creators,refresh,default---
> This is for another implementation of [atomWithDefault](../utilities/resettable.mdx#atomwithdefault)### Look back to atomWithDefault behavior
As you can see in the example code in atomWithDefault section, the two atoms' relation is disconnected after updating created one, `count2Atom = atomWithDefault((get) => get(count1Atom) * 2)`. Let's confirm what's occurred,
- 1. Click "increment count1", then count1 is 2 and count2 is 4- 2. Click "increment count2", then count1 is 2 and count2 is 5 (Disconnected!!)Those atoms have no relation after updating count2Atom. So,
- Click "increment count1", count1 is incremented only- Even if you reset count2Atom, these dependency relation never come back### Motivation
In some cases,
- After disconnecting and resetting, they should come back to their relation- Derived atoms should be reset based on updated the original atom- We'd like to reset all derived atoms but just want to operate as simply as possibleHow do we make those cases?Here is a declarative way to create a function to provide a refreshable atom instead of atomWithDefault.
```jsconst refreshCountAtom = atom(0)
const baseDataAtom = atom(1) // original data, e.g. base count1Atomconst dataAtom = atom( (get) => { get(refreshCountAtom) // it's introduced at atomWithRefresh return get(baseDataAtom) }, (get, set, update) => { set(baseDataAtom, update) },)
const atomWithRefreshAndDefault = (refreshAtom, getDefault) => { const overwrittenAtom = atom(null) return atom( (get) => { const lastState = get(overwrittenAtom) if (lastState && lastState.refresh === get(refreshAtom)) { return lastState.value } return getDefault(get) }, (get, set, update) => { set(overwrittenAtom, { refresh: get(refreshAtom), value: update }) }, )}
// This is an alternative of `atomWithDefault((get) => get(count1Atom) * 2)`const refreshableAtom = atomWithRefreshAndDefault( refreshCountAtom, (get) => get(dataAtom) * 2,)
// You can reset by updating just one atomconst resetRootAtom = atom(null, (get, set) => { set(refreshCountAtom, get(refreshCountAtom) + 1)})```
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