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---title: atomWithRefreshnav: 8.06keywords: creators,refresh---
> `atomWithRefresh` creates a derived atom that can be force-refreshed, by using> the update function.This is helpful when you need to refresh asynchronous data after performing aside effect.
It can also be used to implement "pull to refresh" functionality.
```tsimport { atom, Getter } from 'jotai'
export function atomWithRefresh<T>(fn: (get: Getter) => T) { const refreshCounter = atom(0) return atom( (get) => { get(refreshCounter) return fn(get) }, (_, set) => set(refreshCounter, (i) => i + 1), )}```
Here's how you'd use it to implement an refresh-able source of data:
```jsimport { atomWithRefresh } from 'XXX'
const postsAtom = atomWithRefresh((get) => fetch('').then((r) => r.json()),)```
In a component:
```jsxconst PostsList = () => { const [posts, refreshPosts] = useAtom(postsAtom) return ( <div> <ul> { => ( <li key={}>{post.title}</li> ))} </ul> {/* Clicking this button will re-fetch the posts */} <button type="button" onClick={refreshPosts}> Refresh posts </button> </div> )}```