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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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---title: SWCdescription: This doc describes SWC plugins for Jotai.nav: 5.01keywords: swc,next,nextjs,fast,refresh---
⚠️ Note: These plugins are experimental. Feedback is welcome in the [Github repo]( Please file issues in the separate repo instead of `jotai` repo.
## @swc-jotai/react-refresh
This plugin adds support for React Refresh for Jotai atoms. This makes sure that state isn't reset, when developing using React Refresh.
### Usage
Install it with:
```shnpm install --save-dev @swc-jotai/react-refresh```
You can add the plugin to `.swcrc`:
```json{ "jsc": { "experimental": { "plugins": [["@swc-jotai/react-refresh", {}]] } }}```
You can use the plugin with the [experimental SWC plugins feature]( in Next.js.
```jsmodule.exports = { experimental: { swcPlugins: [['@swc-jotai/react-refresh', {}]], },}```
Examples can be found below.
## @swc-jotai/debug-label
Jotai is based on object references and not keys (like Recoil). This means there's no identifier for atoms. To identify atoms, it's possible to add a `debugLabel` to an atom, which can be found in React devtools.
However, this can quickly become cumbersome to add a `debugLabel` to every atom.
This `SWC` plugin adds a `debugLabel` to every atom, based on its identifier.
The plugin transforms this code:
```jsexport const countAtom = atom(0)```
```jsexport const countAtom = atom(0)countAtom.debugLabel = 'countAtom'```
Default exports are also handled, based on the file naming:
```js// countAtom.tsexport default atom(0)```
Which transform into:
```js// countAtom.tsconst countAtom = atom(0)countAtom.debugLabel = 'countAtom'export default countAtom```
### Usage
Install it with:
```shnpm install --save-dev @swc-jotai/debug-label```
You can add the plugin to `.swcrc`:
```json{ "jsc": { "experimental": { "plugins": [["@swc-jotai/debug-label", {}]] } }}```
Or you can use the plugin with the [experimental SWC plugins feature]( in Next.js.
```jsmodule.exports = { experimental: { swcPlugins: [['@swc-jotai/debug-label', {}]], },}```
Examples can be found below.
### Custom atom names
You can enable the plugins for your custom atoms. You can supply them to the plugins like below:
```jsmodule.exports = { experimental: { swcPlugins: [ ['@swc-jotai/debug-label', { atomNames: ['customAtom'] }], ['@swc-jotai/react-refresh', { atomNames: ['customAtom'] }], ], },}```
### Examples
### Next.js
<CodeSandbox id="ygiuzm" />