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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
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---title: Storedescription: This doc describes core `jotai` bundle.nav: 2.03keywords: store,createstore,getdefaultstore,defaultstore---
## createStore
This function is to create a new empty store.The store can be used to pass in `Provider`.
The store has three methods: `get` for getting atom values,`set` for setting atom values, and `sub` for subscribing to atom changes.
```jsxconst myStore = createStore()
const countAtom = atom(0)myStore.set(countAtom, 1)const unsub = myStore.sub(countAtom, () => { console.log('countAtom value is changed to', myStore.get(countAtom))})// unsub() to unsubscribe
const Root = () => ( <Provider store={myStore}> <App /> </Provider>)```
## getDefaultStore
This function returns a default store that is used in provider-less mode.
```jsconst defaultStore = getDefaultStore()```