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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
---title: atomdescription: This doc describes core `jotai` bundle.nav: 2.01keywords: atom,primitive,derived,debug,label,onmount---
## atom
The `atom` function is to create an atom config.We call it "atom config" as it's just a definition and it doesn't yet hold a value.We may also call it just "atom" if the context is clear.
An atom config is an immutable object. The atom config object doesn't hold a value. The atom value exists in a store.
To create a primitive atom (config), all you need is to provide an initial value.
```jsimport { atom } from 'jotai'
const priceAtom = atom(10)const messageAtom = atom('hello')const productAtom = atom({ id: 12, name: 'good stuff' })```
You can also create derived atoms. We have three patterns:
- Read-only atom- Write-only atom- Read-Write atomTo create derived atoms, we pass a read function and an optional write function.
```jsconst readOnlyAtom = atom((get) => get(priceAtom) * 2)const writeOnlyAtom = atom( null, // it's a convention to pass `null` for the first argument (get, set, update) => { // `update` is any single value we receive for updating this atom set(priceAtom, get(priceAtom) - // or we can pass a function as the second parameter // the function will be invoked, // receiving the atom's current value as its first parameter set(priceAtom, (price) => price - },)const readWriteAtom = atom( (get) => get(priceAtom) * 2, (get, set, newPrice) => { set(priceAtom, newPrice / 2) // you can set as many atoms as you want at the same time },)```
`get` in the read function is to read the atom value.It's reactive and read dependencies are tracked.
`get` in the write function is also to read atom value, but it's not tracked.Furthermore, it can't read unresolved async values in Jotai v1 API.
`set` in the write function is to write atom value.It will invoke the write function of the target atom.
### Note about creating an atom in render function
Atom configs can be created anywhere, but referential equality is important.They can be created dynamically too.To create an atom in render function, `useMemo` or `useRef` is required to get a stable reference. If in doubt about using `useMemo` or `useRef` for memoization, use `useMemo`.Otherwise, it can cause infinite loop with `useAtom`.
```jsconst Component = ({ value }) => { const valueAtom = useMemo(() => atom({ value }), [value]) // ...}```
### Signatures
```ts// primitive atomfunction atom<Value>(initialValue: Value): PrimitiveAtom<Value>
// read-only atomfunction atom<Value>(read: (get: Getter) => Value): Atom<Value>
// writable derived atomfunction atom<Value, Args extends unknown[], Result>( read: (get: Getter) => Value, write: (get: Getter, set: Setter, ...args: Args) => Result,): WritableAtom<Value, Args, Result>
// write-only derived atomfunction atom<Value, Args extends unknown[], Result>( read: Value, write: (get: Getter, set: Setter, ...args: Args) => Result,): WritableAtom<Value, Args, Result>```
- `initialValue`: the initial value that the atom will return until its value is changed.- `read`: a function that's evaluated whenever the atom is read. The signature of `read` is `(get) => Value`, and `get` is a function that takes an atom config and returns its value stored in Provider as described below. Dependency is tracked, so if `get` is used for an atom at least once, the `read` will be reevaluated whenever the atom value is changed.- `write`: a function mostly used for mutating atom's values, for a better description; it gets called whenever we call the second value of the returned pair of `useAtom`, the `useAtom()[1]`. The default value of this function in the primitive atom will change the value of that atom. The signature of `write` is `(get, set, ...args) => Result`. `get` is similar to the one described above, but it doesn't track the dependency. `set` is a function that takes an atom config and a new value which then updates the atom value in Provider. `...args` is the arguments that we receive when we call `useAtom()[1]`. `Result` is the return value of the `write` function.```jsconst primitiveAtom = atom(initialValue)const derivedAtomWithRead = atom(read)const derivedAtomWithReadWrite = atom(read, write)const derivedAtomWithWriteOnly = atom(null, write)```
There are two kinds of atoms: a writable atom and a read-only atom. Primitive atoms are always writable. Derived atoms are writable if the `write` is specified. The `write` of primitive atoms is equivalent to the `setState` of `React.useState`.
### `debugLabel` property
The created atom config can have an optional property `debugLabel`. The debug label is used to display the atom in debugging. See [Debugging guide](../guides/debugging.mdx) for more information.
Note: While, the debug labels don’t have to be unique, it’s generally recommended to make them distinguishable.
### `onMount` property
The created atom config can have an optional property `onMount`. `onMount` is a function which takes a function `setAtom` and returns `onUnmount` function optionally.
The `onMount` function is called when the atom is subscribed in the provider in the first time,and `onUnmount` is called when it’s no longer subscribed.In some cases (like [React strict mode](,an atom can be unmounted and then mounted immediately.
```jsconst anAtom = atom(1)anAtom.onMount = (setAtom) => { console.log('atom is mounted in provider') setAtom(c => c + 1) // increment count on mount return () => { ... } // return optional onUnmount function}
const Component = () => { // `onMount` will be called when the component is mounted in the following cases: useAtom(anAtom) useAtomValue(anAtom) // however, in the following cases, // `onMount` will not be called because the atom is not subscribed: useSetAtom(anAtom) useAtomCallback( useCallback((get) => get(anAtom), []), ) // ...}```
Calling `setAtom` function will invoke the atom’s `write`. Customizing `write` allows changing the behavior.
```jsconst countAtom = atom(1)const derivedAtom = atom( (get) => get(countAtom), (get, set, action) => { if (action.type === 'init') { set(countAtom, 10) } else if (action.type === 'inc') { set(countAtom, (c) => c + 1) } },)derivedAtom.onMount = (setAtom) => { setAtom({ type: 'init' })}```
### Advanced API
Since Jotai v2, the `read` function has the second argument `options`.
#### `options.signal`
It uses [AbortController]( so that you can abort async functions.Abort is triggered before new calculation (invoking `read` function) is started.
How to use it:
```tsconst readOnlyDerivedAtom = atom(async (get, { signal }) => { // use signal to abort your function})
const writableDerivedAtom = atom( async (get, { signal }) => { // use signal to abort your function }, (get, set, arg) => { // ... },)```
The `signal` value is [AbortSignal]( can check `signal.aborted` boolean value, or use `abort` event with `addEventListener`.
For `fetch` use case, we can simply pass `signal`.
See the below example for `fetch` usage.
#### `options.setSelf`
It's a special function to invoke the write function of the self atom.
⚠️ It's provided primarily for internal usage and third-party library authors. Read the source code carefully to understand the behavior. Check release notes for any breaking/non-breaking changes.
## codesandbox
<CodeSandbox id="hg665r" />```tsximport { Suspense } from 'react'import { atom, useAtom } from 'jotai'
const userIdAtom = atom(1)const userAtom = atom(async (get, { signal }) => { const userId = get(userIdAtom) const response = await fetch( `${userId}?_delay=2000`, { signal }, ) return response.json()})
const Controls = () => { const [userId, setUserId] = useAtom(userIdAtom) return ( <div> User Id: {userId} <button onClick={() => setUserId((c) => c - 1)}>Prev</button> <button onClick={() => setUserId((c) => c + 1)}>Next</button> </div> )}
const UserName = () => { const [user] = useAtom(userAtom) return <div>User name: {}</div>}
const App = () => ( <> <Controls /> <Suspense fallback="Loading..."> <UserName /> </Suspense> </>)
export default App```