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👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
---title: Providerdescription: This doc describes core `jotai` bundle.nav: 2.04keywords: provider,usestore,ssr---
## Provider
The `Provider` component is to provide state for a component sub tree.Multiple Providers can be used for multiple subtrees, and they can even be nested.This works just like React Context.
If an atom is used in a tree without a Provider,it will use the default state. This is so-called provider-less mode.
Providers are useful for three reasons:
1. To provide a different state for each sub tree.2. To accept initial values of atoms.3. To clear all atoms by remounting.
```jsxconst SubTree = () => ( <Provider> <Child /> </Provider>)```
### Signatures
```tsconst Provider: React.FC<{ store?: Store}>```
Atom configs don't hold values. Atom values reside in separate stores. A Provider is a component that contains a store and provides atom values under the component tree. A Provider works like React context provider. If you don't use a Provider, it works as provider-less mode with a default store. A Provider will be necessary if we need to hold different atom values for different component trees. Provider can take an optional prop `store`.
```jsxconst Root = () => ( <Provider> <App /> </Provider>)```
### `store` prop
A Provider accepts an optional prop `store` that you can use for the Provider subtree.
#### Example
```jsxconst myStore = createStore()
const Root = () => ( <Provider store={myStore}> <App /> </Provider>)```
## useStore
This hook returns a store within the component tree.
```jsxconst Component = () => { const store = useStore() // ...}```