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JCS (JSON Canonicalization Scheme), JSON digests, and JSON Merkle hashes
/** * This module provides cryptographic hash digests of JSON trees. * It guarantee that `digest()` function always returns the same digest * for the equivalent JSON trees. It means you don't have to care about * the order of how object keys occurs or how characters in string are encoded. * It also provides various hash algorithms; see also the docs of Deno's * std/crypto module. * @license LGPL-3.0-or-later */import { crypto, type DigestAlgorithmType } from "./crypto.ts";import { canonicalize, type Tree } from "./canon.ts";
/** * Digests a tree using the specified hash algorithm. * @param algorithm The hash algorithm to use. * @param data The JSON tree to digest. * @returns The hash digest. * @throws {DOMException} Thrown when the algorithm is not supported. */export async function digest( algorithm: DigestAlgorithmType, data: Tree,): Promise<Uint8Array> { const canon = canonicalize(data); const canonBytes = new TextEncoder().encode(canon); const digestBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest(algorithm, canonBytes); return new Uint8Array(digestBuffer);}
export { type DigestAlgorithmType, type Tree };