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Kafka client for Deno binding to kafka-go using WebAssembly


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Kafkagosaur is a Kafka client for Deno built using WebAssembly. The project binds to the kafka-go library.

Supported features

  • Writer
  • Reader
  • SASL
  • TLS
  • Deno streams


For comprehensive examples on how to use kafkagosaur, head over to the provided examples.


To write a message, first create KafkaWriter instance using the createWriter function on the KafkaGoSaur instance:

import KafkaGoSaur from "";

const kafkaGoSaur = new KafkaGoSaur();
const writer = await kafkaGoSaur.createWriter({
  broker: "localhost:9092",
  topic: "test-0",

const enc = new TextEncoder();
const msgs = [{ value: enc.encode("value") }];

await writer.writeMessages(msgs);


To read a message, first create KafkaReader instance using the createReader function on the KafkaGoSaur instance:

import KafkaGoSaur from "";

const kafkaGoSaur = new KafkaGoSaur();
const reader = await kafkaGoSaur.createReader({
  brokers: ["localhost:9092"],
  topic: "test-0",

const readMsg = await reader.readMessage();

Provided examples

To run the provided examples, ensure you have docker up and running. Then start the kafka broker using

make docker-up

To run the writer example

deno run --allow-read --allow-net --unstable examples/writer.ts

To run the reader example

deno run --allow-read --allow-net --unstable examples/reader.ts


The API documentation is hosted here.


To build the WebAssembly module, first run

make build-wasm

To run the tests, ensure first you have docker up and running. Then start the kafka broker using

make docker-up

Then run

make test

Performance benchmarks

The Deno benchmarks are located in bench and can be run via

deno run --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env --unstable bench/reader.ts
deno run --allow-read --allow-net --allow-env --unstable bench/writer.ts


kafka-go[^2] kafkagosaur (DialBackend.Node) kafkagosaur (DialBackend.Deno)
fetchMessage 5236 ± 743 2760 ± 376 2678 ± 361
writeMessages[^1] 5333 ± 148 4455 ± 159 N/A[^3]

[^1]: Batching 10.000 messages.

[^2]: Using a single goroutine.

[^3]: DialBackend.Deno not yet functional for writing.



Kafkgagosaur is in early stage of development. Nevertheless your contributions are highly valued and welcomed! Feel free to ask for new features, report bugs, or submit your code.